October 24th, 2019 Video
Hannah Talk: Level Design vs. World Design
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<ref name="yt-8WYNwGDLYNE,89.4,132.8">[https://youtube.com/embed/8WYNwGDLYNE?autoplay=1&start=89&end=133 YouTube - October 24th, 2019 Video - Hannah Talk: Level Design vs. World Design]</ref>
so level design can be many things but specifically what I do here is maybe better explained as world design or world building I like to sort of build more in layers so I first do okay what kind of landscape are we looking at like are we having a lot of mountainous area is it more flat lands is there a lot of water so erosion rivers etc so I'd go for the big stuff like cliffs and water and landscaping and then I figure out what kind of landscape material we need so then I do another passive painting and that usually also introduces more detail in the landscaping that I do and so I just go over an area layer by layer by layer and then eventually but last layer is added and hopefully it works how does it feel when you get feedback