September 6th, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Any plans to add FSR 2.0?

September 6th, 2022 Livestream

Q&A: Any plans to add FSR 2.0?

This question may have been asked previously at least 1 other time, as recently as June 2021.
This question has 4 related videos, and a related topic
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it plans to add fsr 2.0 no plans at the moment also no plans for what's the other one called hls dlss thank you, there's a couple of issues there's a couple of issues with dlss with the way our rendering works so unfortunately it does not work with the game you would need to sort of make special code we need to do special cases for the lss and fsr to be able to render in our game, the conveyor belts don't work in the ssr and dlss at the moment, it's it's like not high on our priority list either because there's such a small subset of people that have a graphics card that support dlss and and and fsr so and if you have a graphics card that supports it you know it's already a good enough graphics card so it shouldn't be too much of an issue, most of people are capped by cpu in the game anyways and even when it's like rendering like like one of the bigger rendering issues even with the game is still cpu bottlenecked because it has to do with the render calls and like how we're, how the game is sort of going through objects and figure out like what should be called and not and you know that culling process takes a lot of cycles so even if you can render them quickly you still need to do that calling so this there's I mean that those are just a few, of the optimization issues with the game so like yes right we're still at the stage where cpu is really the bottleneck for the game