October 3rd, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Does having many short pieces of belt impact performance compared to fewer long pieces?

October 3rd, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Does having many short pieces of belt impact performance compared to fewer long pieces?


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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-8Oh8PLuOJuw">[https://youtu.be/8Oh8PLuOJuw YouTube - October 3rd, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: Does having many short pieces of belt impact performance compared to fewer long pieces?]</ref>



just having many short pieces of build influence to perform as I.E thousands of shortbells instead of hundreds of long belts yes it should because the way that, I think it mostly affects networking so like online play to a certain degree it's kind of hard to answer that question because it really really depends on the situation and how the factors Lay Laid out I think technically it's better to have like as few connections as possible in the game the game is like, paralyzed as much as we can so like this running on multiple threads but we can't do it for connections so like if you have a really long belt that needs updating with many many connections those connections can't run parallel or they might run parallel I can't remember how exactly how it is but I don't think they can like I think I think the way we update things is like we update the belts we update the buildings and we update the, mergers and Splitters separately on on separate threads and, yeah performance wise I think it's better to have many sorry, it's it's worse to have many short pieces of belts than it does have like if you're making like a section where like you have one long belt and you have like versus one that's like six segments of the same length it's better to have one length essentially but I don't know how much it will actually affect performance that's a different thing, because they might be not that much depending