August 13th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: If Mikael was a biome-specific Spitter, which would he be?

August 13th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: If Mikael was a biome-specific Spitter, which would he be?

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if Mikel was a spitter would he be Forest Aquatic desert or red Forest, do you even know what they're asking yes I mean aren't they just color differences or am I well they have they have different looks as well I would I would be an aquatic if I had to pick because I think they're the coolest yeah because there's nothing like mechanically different between like the damage they do with the spit that they spit, I can't remember we actually to change this but they have different health bars I think okay plasma, the aquatics look nice maybe red Forest yeah they're pretty cool too yeah I'll go with that cool