March 3rd, 2023 Video
Coffee Stain Studios
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<ref name="yt-8CilfQ1FeVg,181.61476666666667,301.501">[ YouTube - March 3rd, 2023 Video - Coffee Stain Studios]</ref>
the first thing I'm going to look at is coffee stain Studios which is us which is where I work I work at coffee stain Studios and, that's where satisfactory is made and the first thing you're gonna notice is that coffee stain Studios is one Studio coffee safe Studios is not Studios it's just one Studio okay we're based in Sweden all right try pronouncing that foreign good despite the name it isn't multiple Studios it's just one studio now the reason for this confusion is because coffee stain Studios is the original Studio whatever coffee stain was made that was the name that they came up with initially coffee stain Studios, since then the company has grown quite a bunch the Holdings company was was created other companies were created as well but the name coffee stain Studios stayed with us only, and so now it's very confusing because coffee stain Studio sounds like we're all the studios but we're not all the studios we're just one studio, here in kravda in Sweden okay and our studio you know where it all began it all began with sanctum okay a gang called sanctum very fun, first person shooter tower defense game multiplayer with your friends as well and then of course sanctum two which is the game that I absolutely fell in love with and the reason why- I came to work for coffee stand at all coffee stand Studios also made the original Goat Simulator and some of the DLCs but not all the DLCs and now we're working on satisfactory and that's us that's our studio that's all we do we manage this this YouTube channel here okay so this is our specific YouTube channel this is why we only talk about satisfactory here, and we also have other socials we have at satisfactory AF on Twitter we manage that, coffee at Coffee underscore staying under sort of Studios on Instagram, also satisfactory game on Tick Tock, and satisfactory game on Facebook those are the social medias that we manage okay so if you ever want to reach out to us or see what we're doing you can follow those all the links like I said before are in the description below so if you have any questions about us or satisfactory feel free to reach out so the next Studio or