August 16th, 2024 Video A long, long time ago

August 16th, 2024 Video

A long, long time ago

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ago when we started working on this game and we had just gotten like the basics of the game in place one of our earliest play tests we did, one piece of feedback we got from players was that players sort of felt like they were missing a purpose as to like why you're building all these factors in the game after that play test it sort of made sense for us to try and use like a narrative to tie everything together and sort of set the stage as to why you're on this planet and why you're creating all these factories being Early Access we didn't want to have the narrative half finished in the game so we decided to completely omit it for the duration of Early Access which is why you haven't seen any of it apart from you know any World building we've done you know in the game and and our socials and website and whatnot over time the narrative for