August 16th, 2024 Video Scaling back

August 16th, 2024 Video

Scaling back

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and whatnot over time the narrative for the game has gone over many different iterations of various Scopes, at one point The Narrative grew into something overwhelmingly big and we weren't sure we were going to be able to deliver on our vision and Hannah who is our lead writer also had responsibility for like World assign and stuff like that so she already had a lot on her plates so we decided that we wanted to aim for like a good story that we felt was manageable to implement for us we've talked about this many times on streams and videos in the past but our goal for the narrative, of satisfactory is that we don't want it to take sort of center stage and like we don't want it to be disruptive we want the narrative to fit the current game and we don't want it to change what people are already familiar with satisfactory is first and foremost a factory building game and if you don't care about the story you can you know pretty much ignore it, it will sort of play out in front of you but you don't have to pay attention to it we don't want to remove any agency from the player either so there won't be any like cutcenes or anything like that that will interrupt you from playing the game as usual so don't expect like a big story campaign or anything like that, there will will be an ending to the game that you're working towards but it won't distract you from like the existing core Loop of the game but one of the main reasons why I'm making this video is