February 28th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Different fuel types for the Chainsaw?

February 28th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Different fuel types for the Chainsaw?

00:00 Intro
00:23 Snutt goes to the archive https://archive.satisfactory.video/
02:12 Technical Difficulties
03:27 Playing the clip from the archive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2VSTXaEtCY
05:44 Dubs vs. Subs
07:15 Outro


This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: February 6th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Can we change the fuel for Chainsaw? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3h9aSt-Bo4

This question has a related video, a related topic, and a related link
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-7wY9KAbiOpU">[https://youtu.be/7wY9KAbiOpU YouTube - February 28th, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: Different fuel types for the Chainsaw?]</ref>



here's a question that I've answered before but I'll do it again different fuel types for the chainsaw, question mark is planned yes but I don't know when or how that will work or like in what Manner, there might be more than one jetpack or something like that I don't know what have I said before about that can I just go to the archive wait can the stream just be that satisfactory archive no not YouTube God damn it can I just go there and play clips search I can't remember what I've said about the chainsaw Chase no chainsaw jetpack jet pack fuel, hypertube cannons wait what if I just search jetpack wait


oh wait wait I saw it here we go okay turbo fuel for jet packs and then go to the YouTube this is kind of funny actually wait all right let me okay live commentary right here okay this is this is unprecedented we've never done this before but this this is the behind the scenes that you were asking for right okay so here's a clip on the satisfactory archive by the way if you guys know know what this is there's a there's a website called archive.satisfactory.video where most of the clips when we post these q a segments most of the clips are like transcribed and put there by Marv so you can like search for our official stance on blah blah blah and, here here's the clip for the jetpack fuel thing so how do I do this and you get audio as well I think I have one I think this is with voice can you hear me am I muted muted I think this is fine because I see the thing moving at the time yeah exactly not me God damn it I think this is fine yes we can't hear you awesome all right let me play this clip here this is this so this is for that question different fuel types but it's no chainsaw God damn it yeah okay this is with the jet pack though


oh wait the, there's no sound from the video though why the does a plus this this this is lying all right I guess I guess we'll play the clip and then I'll talk about terrific there it is I was like I didn't get a single question about turbo fuel for jetpacks to stream it has it really been a stream if there's no question about turbo fuel for jetpacks, the answer to that question is maybe in the future because the issue isn't necessarily that okay I'm gonna give the full answer like because I don't want to just dismiss someone for asking that question but because it is it is a valid question and I actually don't care if people ask the same question every time because how are you supposed to know that it's your first time asking the question unless you know naughty naughty but, we would like to have it so you can have, plutonium fuel rods we would like to have it so you can have turbo fuel engine in your jet pack one idea that we had, that we've been throwing around a little bit and maybe we'll do it maybe we won't I'm not saying that this is what we're gonna do but there's definitely like there's definitely room to have the possibility to have turbo fuel for jetpacks and one idea we had was that, maybe we could make it so that you can unlock the jet pack a little bit earlier than it you can right now but it's like a significantly worse jet pack than it is right now and you use the packaged fuel for the worst version of the of the jet pack and when you make turbo fuel you can use that and it will work the way that jetpack works today in the current iteration of the of the of the game, that's one idea we don't know if that's actually going to work or not because there might be some balancing issue, but that's that's that's one thing we were thinking about, so yeah so yeah good on you snoot sorry I had music running I think in the background too, how is it how are you why are you say saying that it's desynced when there's like no desync on my end that's very strange, so yeah very interesting thanks no it helps a lot I that that was outdated because we have confirmed that we are going to do something with turbo fuel with jetpacks, we haven't confirmed it for chainsaw though, because I don't think we're gonna do that it was decent because you were dubbing it oh yo wait wait still on right yeah yes I know right okay here's me I'm my name is snood and I'm talking very here I am talking to you all very informative lots of information okay the question is will there be I can actually ask the question here will there be different fuel that's gonna be super confusing for more okay but this is the official answer to the question that I've pinned now okay so different fuel type for the chainsaw would be nice to carry only a few for both chainsaw and Jetpack so at the moment we don't have any plans to have a different fuel for the chainsaw, but we do have plans for having using turbofuel in the jet pack so you would get a better jet pack, when you're using turbo fuel versus when you're using the regular fuel I by the way I'm snood and- I'm farty and I smell a lot so, yes here I am rocking my chair back and forth because- I'm a little idiot okay that's just how it is okay thanks thanks for the question very good question I'm trying to fill out space because I've already answered the question and, I'm up yeah there's definitely sync issues that's why the mouth isn't moving correctly with the the what you're seeing in the video reading right right over the teleprompter exactly so yes oh my God it's so much more all right anyway you get the point, hopefully that answers your question, what a time to be alive huh