May 7th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Does the announced Belt optimisation impact the in-game Object Limit?

May 7th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Does the announced Belt optimisation impact the in-game Object Limit?

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does the announce belt optimization impact the in-game object limit, good question I think all these optimizations I think so I don't think the belt thing does but the lightweight buildable thing definitely does yes, for sure because if you have like a save file with thousands of Foundations or whatever, that's now converted into these like data only objects and then we just render based on that data, so we no longer need to use the like U objects that we used to use for these objects if that makes sense so so that's that's a huge save, in that regard, not that that has stopped people from abusing the U object limit so like it's it's the same old thing right we we improve the game to reduce the amount of u objects the game uses but then people just push the the the boundaries again and then we're back to like oh I ran out of U objects and we're like all right it doesn't matter what we do we're it's we're always behind like you know we're we're never going to solve this project problem so, so yeah so it's it's just how it is and for those who don't know, what I'm talking about I'm talking about there's an error in the game where, at some point you're going to have to you you're going to have built so much in the stuff in the game that we sort of run out of me in-game memory to handle like all the the logic objects that are, managing the memory for the game, they're called U objects unreal objects because that's their name of the game objects all engines have, some form of, what's it called o some object oriented, way of describing memory, and game objects in a real engine are called U objects, or not even game objects I think it's just like memory objects, so, and the engine has a limitation and, we can't we can't increase it, you can change the config file to increase it but that comes with a bunch of, issues, you can corrupt your your save file and you corrupt your game and stuff like that but if you want to do that then go for it, so yeah