February 18th, 2025 Livestream
Q&A: Is Hannah the new Community Manager?
This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as February 2025 and as early as February 2025.
This question has a related video
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<ref name="yt-7UKfNqRfhN0">[https://youtu.be/7UKfNqRfhN0 YouTube - February 18th, 2025 Livestream - Q&A: Is Hannah the new Community Manager?]</ref>
and, we touched on this last week as well I keep saying that sentence a whole lot I like that sentence we touched on this last week by the way it's a fancy way to saying hi I'm repeating myself I'm a broken record we're doing the same thing, if you if this is one of your first Dev streams if not the first Dev stream where you happen to catch Hannah live with us that is because, that's me that's that's her yeah that way oh nice it yeah both camera and real life direction of the same for me oh that's actually so sort of it's like for you yeah yeah yeah it kind of makes sense for you too yeah yeah, we have a command now, as per the stream title just exclamation mark Hannah very briefly explaining that Hannah is not a new CM at C too boring she is in fact a veteran of the veterans yeah how old no that's not the right question to ask how many years have you worked here now eight eight in fact, since this month oh happy birthday, I forgot that it was happening I like I knew five days before and I was like oh wait right it's going to be like eight years it's going to be a milestone and then I forgot so you know yeah, so yeah she is not a new CM she is a designerwriter slank community support, SL whatever I don't know you SL whatever you need to be honestly game developer you know I wear many hat one of these people who get to play like a future satisfactory and have content magically appear to not really I do very little play testing with the kind of work I do, it's all just like oh you know if I make a new area I walk around in it to make sure that it plays okay but yeah so nobody in chat would like her job because that means you get to play no game during work hours but you get to burn out on it and just be like nah I don't want anything to do with this game at home yeah that's it that's the deal yeah that's exactly it, great hangout buddy and she will be a kind of just default partner buddy on these streams moving forwards until we fill the second Community manager seat so to make an outdated reference as I did earlier today the the mercy to his Diva oh that mostly trying to heal occasionally damage boosting you know visualizing that get comic whatever that's so good, so yeah so, not a fulltime CM but because she is as again per her label a designer and writer feel free to ask questions in the Q&A or just straight in the chat yeah, that pertain to writing or design specifically for the game yeah you ask me any stuff about like programming or optimization I might cry a little and I will not give you any helpful answers probably so I was about to say maybe you could ask me but then I realized I would rather drink boiling tar than again that's extreme that's that's a lot okay, don't ask maybe something that we we need to work on I'm I'm not damaged what are you talking about what I love coding not yet but you will be any question I fcking love this I promise