June 8th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Did you nerf the Hover Pack?

June 8th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Did you nerf the Hover Pack?


This question has 2 related videos, and a related topic
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-7TMMfAe4qD8">[https://youtu.be/7TMMfAe4qD8 YouTube - June 8th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: Did you nerf the Hover Pack?]</ref>



did we nerf the hover pack no I don't think so I think we did we haven't touched it since update before we I tried to get mark to touch it for april fools, no not every pool for, 4 20. because we we were like I don't know if you guys realize this we managed to time it so that our the our version of the game was 0.4.20 at on like 4 20 like on april 20th, and we legit just made an update of the game just because of that meme, and I try to get like mark to like mark do something update something in the game mark was like all right and then he tried to touch humber packs but he was like, it messes up too much if I do so I know I know we haven't touched it since update 4. yeah hover over back arrow yeah we also tried to touch something else