May 3rd, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Giant Chainsaws: intentional?

May 3rd, 2022 Livestream

Q&A: Giant Chainsaws: intentional?

This question may have been asked previously at least 1 other time, as recently as April 2021.
This question has a related video, and a related topic
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-7Q_8VAYRA6U">[ YouTube - May 3rd, 2022 Livestream - Q&A: Giant Chainsaws: intentional?]</ref>



giant chainsaws intentional, no we also haven't fixed it because we think it's really funny we actually have no idea why that is happening we've we've tried to track down that bug for so long, we're just like we have no idea what's causing it there's like there's nothing in the game that like the scales, the equipment like that it's it's it's bizarre yeah fix don't die it only happens during multiplayer I think too right like it's only like if you see someone else die you can never see it yourself or something like that it's because the gas is making you illusionate that makes sense actually that now that you mention it that does make sense