April 15th, 2022 Video
Snutt & Stefan Talk: The core gameplay loop in Sprint 3
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<ref name="yt-7I3NGAm3j_4,494.56073333333336,544.4439">[https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxZiaxmIYNVDuHgsevIaUR54c-1E53Oz0U YouTube - April 15th, 2022 Video - Snutt & Stefan Talk: The core gameplay loop in Sprint 3]</ref>
- Features > Buildings
- Features > Crafting > Recipes
- Satisfactory Updates > Satisfactory Prototypes > Sprint 3
building so here we can see it's producing in the, darth vader helmet it's making ironing it's so yeah this is this is I mean this is the core loop essentially of the game right you find resources you find the things you set up production lines things are running on on conveyor belts, and you produce items out of those things and I think like the prototype that we had was- I guess like visually a lot better than than this prototype or the like this sprint's version here but yeah when we started doing the actual game we also put some time that like yeah the conveyor belts need to have some logic that this is actually scalable so we kind of started from scratch and redid things for how they could hopefully work in a bigger environment as well so that's why things are added quite slowly okay so now we're in sprint