September 5th, 2023 Livestream Intro / State of Dev

September 5th, 2023 Livestream

Intro / State of Dev

00:00 Intro
06:35 State of Dev
12:02 PSA for buggy Resource Nodes
18:14 Save/Load times noticeably improved
19:29 Community FYI: There's an issue with tamed Doggos on Dedicated Servers
20:06 Outro

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-6fORm3UNkuA">[ YouTube - September 5th, 2023 Livestream - Intro / State of Dev]</ref>



thank you oh I'm sorry was I muted the entire time oh my bad


, too loud I'm sorry yeah hey everybody how how is everyone doing oh so good, anyways hey everybody Welcome to the weekly Dev stream I forgot to look into why- I get an echo on my end I was supposed to do that last week oh man I don't have time for anything oh wait no that didn't fix it whatever it's just on my end don't worry about it it's fine hey everybody, welcome to the wicked after hope you're having a good good Tuesday I'm so tired I'm not gonna lie I'm so tired right now my dog woke me up in like the middle of the night she's done that two times the last couple of nights but it's fine it's fine it's fine don't worry about it anyways, it's gonna be it's gonna be a very chill stream today I'll tell you that much, I'll tell you that much what if I turn this down no okay whatever, so so kind of y'all to take some time off playing Star field to watch the stream or watch other people's play Star feel I guess, Good Times anyways what goes through the the weekly live stream where I hang out and play, satisfactory for a little bit, and, talk to you guys essentially it's it's it's a good time it's a good time I think I think it's pretty chill, or should we should just play Starfield today I guess laughs, so yeah I don't know if, man I feel like we'd lose more and more structure to these streams the more they go on, I get like less and less time to prepare for this but, yeah we're gonna be playing your satisfactory again we're gonna we just made, coal just finished coal made our first Coal Power Plant which should be able to hold us off for a little bit just a little bit, and then yeah well I guess we'll keep up, automating I guess, before we do that we're gonna do a real quick state of Dev we'll do another state of Dev at in two hours, and one thing I'm also gonna do today potentially potentially is save up the Q a section, and then at four we'll do like a bigger wrap up with the Q a from the slido thing which you should be able to see in the in in the the bot in the chat and whatnot, we'll see if I actually commit to that it might be frustrating but, I think it will be better for a couple of reasons one reason is because people that tune in that just want to see like the Q a stuff, it's a bit frustrating for them to like they don't want to see the gameplay thing then they know what like okay but at this moment there's q a and there's state of Dev and blah blah so like if they want to watch the VOD they can go to that segment if they don't want to watch that bot they can come back at 4 pm or 4 P.M my time that is in two hours, I think it also makes it a bit easier for Marv who does a lot of, the, like archiving stuff for satisfactory, I believe it also makes it easier for him if that is like more in one place so to speak, so if you don't know we I'm going to be answering questions throughout the stream by the way too so like maybe it's still not easy for more of anyways but, but if you have any questions you can drop it in chat and I'll reply yes as I see it but but the more structured q a section we use slido now, which is a, it's it's like actually for for presenters more so it's supposed to be like when you're presenting for an audience you can have like a an assist like a companion thing where people can ask questions and they can take it up in the presentation but it works and they started out too because I'm kind of presenting to a lot of people so it kind of works, so, we're gonna we're using that and if you do exclamation mark AMA, you can get the link to it I believe it is already up, so you can already post your questions there if you have anything specific, yes it's up should be that should be the link I'm actually going to go to it and make sure because I've so tired I don't trust myself yes cool, maybe you should date it no it is dated never mind all right so so, that's those questions I'll save those for like the bigger q a section, and if you're not here then you can check the VOD I guess and or check the archive website, streaming is a performer presenting yeah right, we'll do a real quick instead of Dev before we jump into to the gameplay though, and the state of Dev is we and, the I'm gonna be like echoing information that we re that we put out last week on our YouTube channel so there won't be anything new here really but, so so if you don't want state of Dev, if you want okay if you want a structured state of Dev you should you should watch the video, and if you want to hear me ramble about Citadel you can stay around okay so so the way it is right now is, we've put out a couple of patches on experimental and, there were a couple more issues that were anticipated, and at this point we decided to go back and work on like the next patch rather than like the next like, what would you call it like the max next iteration on update for experimental that's kind of come out on experimental before we release it on Early Access, so right now on experimental we have like 0.8 points what is it, it's like oh eight one three or something like that what are the patch notes, the latest version of exponent right now is 0812 okay, so we found a couple of like when we were posting these patches we were hoping to just push post like one passion we can focus working on like stabilizing the next updated build with which is like an engine upgrade and a couple more things but we ended up spending a bit more time patching and hot fixing the experimental patches that we put out and we've decided now to to sort of like postpone that because there's a lot of double work or like extra work here because we have one release branch that we that is the things that you guys are seeing right now and we have like our main branch every time we make a fix and we want to post it on the release Branch we need to do it on both, because we can't just merge in from the main branch to the release Branch, and we can't merge from the release branch of the main branch either so like people whenever they do fix this they have to do them twice now while we're in this setup and it's a bit frustrating for people working on the game and it slows down the overall release for update 8 on the Early Access branch which is also frustrating for you guys but it's it's frustrating for everyone really if you think about it because it's like frustrating for people working on the game right now to have like two two extra work it's also fresh with people who are experimental who can't get like those fixes that we're working on and it's frustrating for people on EA who are waiting for update Aid to come out and don't want to be an experimental so it's just a shitty situation all around but it's just how it is until we we wrap updated and can release it on the Early Access branch and and move all on with our lives essentially so it's just how it is right now and I mean we can only be honest about it and like tell you the situation and why things are the way they are and, if if you're frustrated about that then you know we understand why you're frustrating about that it's just how it is I guess, I did say in the video that we won't post any more patches there might be one last one, most we actually made one patch that was originally going to supposed to go out last week before the video and they ended up having issues and I don't know if you ever decided that like okay let's actually push that patch, or if we decided to just be like no let's folk let's not let's not deal with that, we I think we spend a little bit more time testing that but I don't know if that actually will go out so like I might be I might be like a little bit maybe a set of false exercisations but there weren't anything in that patch other than fixing the like some of the crashes that are happening on experiment right now so like if you're on if you don't run into any Crashers on experimental it wouldn't affect you anyways other than you would need to download the patch that's the only thing that it would affect you anyways, so yeah the fix for science on dedicated servers should have been fixed already that should be live now and if it's not, tough luck I guess we'll have to wait until 8.2, but I think it's I think it's I think the crashes out there's like a couple of, issues with signs right now there aren't like game blockers as far as I know there's like a couple of issues like the small signs, it was left cool okay so good to know, they're broken but they shouldn't crash the game I think is the the thing I wanna like because that was part of the fix that we were hoping to get out last week, where yeah exactly like the the the signs are black and they're not working on dedicated servers, they're not broken but at least they don't crash the game anymore because they used to crash the game in in while we were doing these hot fixes and I think we're gonna leave them broken for now and then when we get 8.2 out that will fix the signs because the fix for science is already like it's done internally it's the whole like rigmarole of getting patch out and hotfix out in like potentially causing other issues that means we need to put in more work to fix those issues and it's like a never-ending spiral, and it's like it's a whole dance we would rather not do when we could be because we know that we're already broken stuff in the 8.2, version so it's like we're fixing things for the game that we need to fix again essentially so it's like it's a it's a whole rigmarole, so so hopefully yeah hopefully 0.9.2 will fix most of those issues and that's when we can start doing these hot packing hot facing again because then we'll be on one branch not on two separate ones again so it will be a lot better oh boy so so that was essentially that and, we also did I did a little bit of PSA I think I talked about this on the last room as well where like there's a there's a node there's a copper node in Northern Forest slash, desert Canyons it's like in between those two, that's producing Limestone there's also a limestone in the swamp that's weird right now and we're actually actually have a little bit of an update that because we did dig Did dig lit it deeper into that issue and it was more complex than we thought and we were actually debating as to what the fix should be, and I think the goal is still to do what I said in the video that like if you're if you played on Early Access you won't notice any difference so like if you haven't played up the date on experimental at all you won't notice any issues but if you're playing on experimental and you have a miner on those nodes then you will probably need to rebuild that minor, again so like if you have that issue now if we're building now it'll fix it but then when you push the fix you will need to do it again essentially, and we're not sure if the solution is that we will replace the notes or if we'll move them or whatever the solution is, but tldr is if you've played up to date at all on experimental and you have a minor on nodes that's not producing copper that's supposed to producing copper just rebuild the miner and you're probably gonna need to do this again in 0.8.2 because then the actual fix will come in so like we'll go back to the way things were if you and I believe even if you haven't okay if you've loaded up a save file in 8.2 and you have the miner and it's producing Limestone even if you don't touch it you will still need to do that for 8.2, it's only if you haven't loaded up a point updated at all that you won't be affected by this but we'll see maybe we'll need to like make a hole at the end of this anyways and maybe everyone needs to do it we'll see but, that's that's how it is right now at least it's a bit it's a bit weird because like the way we see it is it's like a it seems to be a product of the migration that we did when we went from unreal and four to five and, when we noticed this and we were digging into it we realized like this is actually more complex than we thought and then we're like wait what if every node is affected more like what if more than these nodes are affected is was our worry so we've actually done a lot of work into like making tools to like verify these nodes and make sure that everything's up to Snuff and that's what we sort of are right now as the more we dig into it the more we're like wait how what's going on here, so that's how it is right now I know there are a few more nodes even on update seven that there's one in blue crater for instance where it looks like a iron node but it's a Sam node I believe that's just like visually incorrect so it's not actually wrong with the node so it's an easier fix, but but that's the state of that at least so so keep an eye on that and, yes it's a note of Lies that's for sure, I mean it's not like a huge deal it's not like every note is affected by this so like even if, even if you are playing experimental I mean that's not a big deal to add to reconfigure this, but we try to be as like like we we didn't initially set out to be so like if you play on updates earlier updates you will always be like we always liked it that you were able to load your save files and everything would work as fine as I would and it's sometimes we've had so many decisions where like okay if people have built in a certain way they will need to rebuild it in the update because things have changed, and you know it's quite understandable when like you know recipes change or when we added pipes for instance that production buildings wouldn't work the way they did so, that's just how it is with Early Access games you know, and we try to be a like what's the word supportive no we tried to, yeah support the game as much as we can in the earlier versions but, sometimes it's quite hard to do it so yes I think that's that was it right what else did I talk in the video I talked about the steam patching thing which I also talked about last week which I also think watch the video because you'll better get a better Backward Compatible that's what I was looking for, exactly that's that's what we're doing like we're doing the best we can with backward compact compatibility but we can't promise backward compatibility due to how development is essentially, and we have some you know we put a lot of work into some of these aspects such as our save file system you know like we we can always account for what you've done in the past for save files but we can't account for what we're doing in the future because we don't know what we're doing in the future that's why you can always load older save files but you can't say, but you can't load neuter ones if that makes sense like if you're on update seven you load it up to date site file like that's not gonna Jive, but I think we still attempt to load it or something like that I'm not quite sure how that works I can't remember because it was a while since I did it checked into this but anyways long story short, glad you're all here check the video we put out and, hunky dory yes checking chatter for anything I missed that's important, the fact that you have my save file loading in 10 minutes and saving in three 10 minutes loading a save file is nutty was 25 minutes that's pretty good, I mentioned last week I think that like we actually put some effort into, the savings should be faster and the loading should also be faster and, so I mentioned like I think loading is slower I'm like I don't think that's true but- I bet it feels like that because how things are we're always like working against people so like whenever we optimize the game if like like in one time you have like one snapshot right or like this is how much this is how performer the game is right now like how much you can do with the save file and and your factory and whatnot and then we optimize it and then as we're optimizing it people keep like pushing the boundary and reaching that that limit and then we optimize it so people go further and then they hit it again so it's like we're constantly fighting each other and I don't think we're ever gonna win to be honest it's like a never win it's a never-ending battle so, that's just how it is I guess, there's an issue with Team doggo's disappearing dedicated servers, please let us know on the QA site and we'll look into it once we get to, once we actually had time to work on etiquette servers actually because dedicated servers are sort of not our priority and they haven't been for a while but hopefully they can be at some point I hope I mean when we reach 1.0 I really hope we have proper dedicated server support I'm very tired I'm sorry Chad it's like I'm so it's gonna be a while on today, and it's gonna be a doozy anyways without further ado because I that was pretty much that was it that was dead now I'm gonna fall asleep playing the game, I can't I can't stop thinking about the comments I received a couple of streams ago where someone was like could you stop on the game so much and I'm like no promises no promises like I just I just say how it is man, I think I think this is a natural thing with when you play a game for a long time you you like you become very, I how would you describe this like small things matter more so like if you have any like small quirks or irks that bother you like the more you play the more those like Small Things become bigger issues so like sometimes when we talk to people that are playing the game for thousands and thousands of hours they're like there's a game breaking issue with the game you have to fix it now and we're like okay what is it and it's like the Shadows flicker a little bit here and like we can barely produce it reproduce it ourselves but it's like for them it's like the biggest I'm not I'm not downplaying that by the way for them it is the biggest issue like it's super annoying for them, but we always have to think about like the game as a whole like for for everyone playing like what is the best course of action, so so that is one thing I'm booting up the game now by the way which is also like a good psycho to like maybe saying also that, we're gonna I'm gonna make a video about this by the way at some point, we're going talking about like the issues that are in the game right now like the bugs that we have and what we aim to do when it comes to like the 1.0 release because we're not going to be able to fix everything in the game like we're not going to be able to fix everything like all the small blocks that people are learning into there's always going to be bug like there are release games with bugs that's just how it is right, but talking about like sort of where we find the balance you know like what is the acceptable what is an acceptable bug for a 1.0 release essentially uninstalling good that's what I wanted that's what I wanted to see, yeah yeah exactly like when you see the tiny thing over and over and over again, because like in my opinion a lot of the the biggest issues in the games aren't the fact that like you know your Blade Runners show up when you're in hypertubes or that, gas mask doesn't work in the in the car which is I think is annoying that definitely is a bug that I think should be fixed for 1.0 but like it's the small like the guidelines not working like that's more annoying to me than you know that parachutes make you go upward and like that because I don't really encounter that too much and it's also not super annoying like the the impact I think on players is very different it's very hard to prioritize anyways scene