May 14th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Video on Friday?

May 14th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Video on Friday?

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video on Friday this Friday no unfortunately not, can confirm can't confirm we are U it's it's not about so there's been like there's been some like some slight circulation of U, just I guess not rumors or whatever you have talks of, what's going on with the I think we mentioned like yester week is that a word yester week yester week it is now mhm that, I just coined a new term nice that, you know something was you know going on with 1.0 maybe it's delayed maybe this or that maybe embracer cost this maybe whatever, because you know happy happy coincidence you know just when stuff is happening you know in media we also slow down our video production, the Slowdown on YouTube is entirely down to just well mainly snot, being a lot busier on other fronts planned fronts so nothing you know unexpected or like we said before there's a lot of going on behind the scenes right now, with satisfactory so it's just really hard to make videos right now mhm, but they are coming like all the planned content is still there and for 1.0 itself nothing has actually you know nothing is going wrong with it nothing is you know nothing has been affected it's just the workflow is working it's just we're currently in a little lull of YouTube content unfortunately because of other workload you see soon according to plan