February 18th, 2025 Livestream
Q&A: Does Hannah have a background in writing narratives?
02:04 Q&A: Who wrote the dialogue for ADA?
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<ref name="yt-6Iy_hgXjNPs">[https://youtu.be/6Iy_hgXjNPs YouTube - February 18th, 2025 Livestream - Q&A: Does Hannah have a background in writing narratives?]</ref>
Hannah do you have a background in writing narratives and what tools that you use to keep track of the narrative progress I'm going to say something extremely radical, word, and, this is not for for lack of like trying out different like software and stuff like that but it just it's it's an accessible way I use PowerPoint a lot as well the for high level stuff, because it's really easy to have images there and to really have like nice ways of communicating things to people, and I mean Excel as well but that's mostly for the really lowlevel stuff like voice lines things like that, or like story structure things things that work in a more structured way, I do have a background in writing narratives but not officially like, it's all just basically you know self self-taught stuff, I've been writing ever since I can remember, doesn't mean it was good writing most of the time but I did write, and this is this is essentially my debut, in some weird way, but I still you know I hope to keep keep it up but I was I had a background way more in traditional writing because I was just writing like stories like you would for a novel or something like that or short stories things like that and go taking those skills to game development because- I did get an education for design and I did like have experience with like game design like marrying those two together I very glad I had background in design and knowledge of design because boy was it difficult to apply traditional writing to video games it is very it's not compatible in so many ways like when it comes to like the lowlevel writing of dialogue it was very compatible but anything structural design like narrative design oh oh it's a whole world it's a whole different world and it's it's so difficult so yeah God, who wrote the dialogue for 8 out brilliant that would be me yeah, I did I did have a writing partner, for a while, a guy we got in for for for like helping me out with both story structure and like writing dialogue just because it was- I had a lot to do and I also had world work to do so it was a lot on me, so, shout out to to Masa who helped me out a lot there a Hannah snarky side she always hides from us yeah from you at least I don't I don't really hide it yeah no don't really hide it if you think so you're not paying attention, man so when I started studying Game Dev here as well in the I did study programming but looking at the like six or seven different I guess specializations they offered one of them was game writing and it easily was the one that I was like the most tempted to do because cuz writing has always been, I haven't really written super super much in my life, I written one like shorter novel, and a bunch of short stories but nothing like super consistent, but just thinking or daydreaming it's more like it's more like World building for me more than actual story writing just thinking of scenarios thinking of working systems thinking of working like structures societies whatever yeah so fun just lose hours and hours in that if you get going so fun it is it is a lot of fun to do I mean since I since I do like you love World design whatever and writing, that's it I just build worlds on on in every way that you do right which is like the the dumbest job to have but also the coolest job to have I don't know it's weird it's very weird Mo modern modern society, allows for this to exist crazy