June 16th, 2023 Video
Fart rocks
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<ref name="yt-6H79BTIrlbc,268.83523333333335,289.289">[https://youtube.com/embed/6H79BTIrlbc?autoplay=1&start=268&end=290 YouTube - June 16th, 2023 Video - Fart rocks]</ref>
- Environment
- Features > Equipment > Nobelisk
- Satisfactory Updates > Release Builds
- Satisfactory Updates > Released > Satisfactory Update 8
another issue people have been reporting have been let fart rocks after you destroy them their gas clouds remain it's like well what's the point of destroying them then, well this bug, doesn't happen for all the fart rocks it happens to some of them and also that gas cloud is just a visual bug so the gas is visually there but you can walk through it safely and, functionally within the game it's not there but we'll be looking into it and there are absolutely more things too I just want