September 5th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Since DLSS 3 is already built-in, will it be possible to enable the frame-generation feature?

September 5th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Since DLSS 3 is already built-in, will it be possible to enable the frame-generation feature?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-6DEJBmZ2lzA">[ YouTube - September 5th, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: Since DLSS 3 is already built-in, will it be possible to enable the frame-generation feature?]</ref>



since still ss3 is already built in will it be possible to enable the dlss frame generation feature I don't mean the upscaling thing the frame generation thing is on as far as I know it's enabled and yeah I don't know people whenever I see people talk about this I always get so confused because some people say no it's definitely worked for me and some people say like they should enable it as in like it's not working for them and as far as we know it is on like there's no there's no way like we don't have as far as I know we don't have control of that stuff like when we enable the plugin that then it's all handled by dlss we only like access certain like things for the menu and stuff like that we don't actually turn whether you use frame generation on and off so like it's it's on it should be on it's there, I don't know what to tell you we don't have really any control of that because it's all handled in the plugin as far as I know, so it should be on it's because it's part of it's it's like if it's not on then maybe your graphics are don't support it because it's only like 40 40 60 and upward that support it or something so unless you've got a it's an extra toggle usually but it's it's a toggle in the plug-in isn't it because you have you have in your plugins thingy because we only access as far as I know I'm like half paraphrasing now because I actually haven't looked into this but as far as I know in the Nvidia control panel you have access to like the delicious stuff and when you're playing the when we're setting stuff in our menu we're just accessing that plug-in and changing it which you can totally do outside the game as well and then the game will reflect that so when games added to their games it's like an extra just makes it easier to access in the game you can still access it in the plugin so that's how I understand it but I might be completely wrong because I actually haven't looked into this but when I asked people about that they said frame generator and is enabled in the game so it should be available to people so, yeah but I can I can look into this I can look into this and get a clear maybe we're just talking past each other but I have asked like two times and they said yeah frame generation Nissan it is enabled but people keep asking about it bam yeah nvd experience or it's in the experience or it's a video control panel like you can access a plugin somewhere as far as I know because you can set like the scaling and like that as well in there somewhere four games so, I don't know