July 2nd, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Will there be an Experimental version of 1.0?

July 2nd, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Will there be an Experimental version of 1.0?


This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as October 2023 and as early as August 2020.
This question has 2 related videos
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-61ApxTYoqeE">[https://youtu.be/61ApxTYoqeE YouTube - July 2nd, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Will there be an Experimental version of 1.0?]</ref>



will there be an experimental version of 1.0 so there will be not an that was almost English there will not be an experimental version for 1.0 we're going to go straight for EA we're coming for you baby we're coming straight at you, this is why we're sort of like being a little bit extra careful with the release and whatnot because we want to make sure that the game actually is good and ready, I think I think so so like the experimental periods are so useful for us, because we get to we get like a proper sign off on things I don't know I talked about this a bit earlier but like the thing with when you release a game versus when you're testing it yourself is that you can never, compete in terms of like time and resources that you know everyone will get when they play the game versus you testing it yourself right like when 25 or whatever when when like I think okay let's just say the 25,000 people playing the game for like8 hours during a weekend will is like more hours in terms of testing compared to like us testing it oursel for like several months for like two people full-time so like or however, many people do it in QA so like we can never compete with that, so so there are always like things that we get confirmation on when we release but the last couple of releases we've had we've been like surprised over how well we are are aware of the state of the game not surprised I guess it's like comes with it but the last couple of releases like update 6 seven and 8 whenever we release an experimental we always release with like the knowledge that like these things are not good like these are things are broken and obviously Community finds a couple of things that we didn't discover ourselves, but usually those things are pretty like they don't happen to a lot of people they're pretty obscure books but they're bugs nonetheless, but but the last couple of updates we've been pretty happy to to be able to like figure out like okay these things are broken and we think these are the things that people are going to complain about the most and usually we're right, about these things and one thing we noticed during the close beta was that we got a lot of feedback that was like, I wouldn't say all over the place but it was we get a lot of random feedback from like that varies a lot from people to people and that's a usually a really good indicator that you know there's no big problem right now in the game that that everyone runs into there's like small issues that people run into here and here and there and some issues are more important for others, than you know than others, so like and that's also a really good indicator that we're in a pretty good State because if people complain about very seemingly mundane things and for them they might be a big deal and for us it may be like oh that's pretty easy to fix that's usually a good indicator that like the game is in a good state, and it's a good releasable state so like even during close beta when the game was technically unstable, that was sort of our experimental period even then the game was pretty good, so, we're we're pretty confident that we will be able to to deliver without this experimental period, and you know even if there are major bugs or whatever obviously we'll fix them as soon as we possibly can, but we're pretty optimistic we're pretty optimistic