May 9th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Is structural integrity to become a thing?

May 9th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Is structural integrity to become a thing?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: March 19th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Are floating factories canonically FICSIT tech or just suspension-of-disbelief?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-5wMUDmJtz38">[ YouTube - May 9th, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: Is structural integrity to become a thing?]</ref>



is the structural Integrity become a thing or, or you're safe and stuff so I don't think so because mostly because similar reasons before right what you were saying yeah like that's complexity but also like performance wise it feels scary to add like physics to all the foundation pieces and like everything like that, we're I think we're good like at least for now feels like a huge undertaking if we're gonna add you know physics for that kind of stuff I wonder if we need to do physics or if we just need to calculate it at build time right because if you build but then like it's it's more about how that propagates yeah something how does that trickle down yeah I guess you could do the the way they do it in valheim for instance where like the building just kind of gets destroyed if you build something that doesn't make sense yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly but you know it also feels like a little bit I don't know in satisfactory it feels a bit unfair it to have that constrained a little bit because of the sheer like scale of how you build things so like if you're gonna constantly keep track of like how, structural Integrity is following up on on buildings where like because we we definitely see a lot of cases where people make really construct, interesting constructions based on you know weird order of operations where you can build things in a certain order and that makes it possible to do certain things like with clipping and whatnot and if we have like you know integrity that's a that could mean that in some cases where like if you set it up a certain way you wouldn't be able to build you know angled pillars or whatever in a certain way and and that would sort of I feel like we would lose out on a lot of cool, builds just because of that because of that constraint on on the at the time of building sort of speak, and then if we're going to be like yeah but if we're going to keep that and add we could have like edge cases but then like so many edge cases to make it work like maybe everything just checks and structure Integrity when you you pause the game or something like that I don't know it just feels like it's good the way it is I feel like even though it could be interesting to add structure Integrity because it's another yeah it would it would just be a big shame if like you build this big thing that is doing your phase four production and and then you delete one pillar down the bottom and it all falls down I mean no I don't think that's a good idea for our game yeah it could be a fun mod I think if you wanted to challenge yourself you know if like I don't know if like months could ever do that kind of thing but I feel like that like there's definitely a game there but I don't think it's something we could impose on all players yeah for sure yes