March 5th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: What's Mikael's stance on Final Fantasy VII Rebirth?

March 5th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: What's Mikael's stance on Final Fantasy VII Rebirth?

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let's see here we have a couple of minutes left let me just skim through, actually M while while I skim through the last couple of questions is it time it's I'm going to ask you a question here so Mel what's your what's your stance on Final Fantasy 7 rebirth so far what's my stance on F7 rebirth so, if it wasn't if it wasn't too clear from last week, what ended up happening last spoil by the way no no no no this is spoiler free I still haven't finished the game which is incredible because, I took of last week, Friday and then today and yesterday so literally Thursday evening after an outgoing I came home and all I've been doing all I've been doing since Thursday evening until like lunchtime today is I've either been playing the game or been sleeping and that's literally it that is literally all I've been doing well so nice you to take some time off to be on the stream it's like yeah I was like the the the the vacation has been so like I mean amazing sure but also like such a just a good Grind from Thursday until now and then like this morning because I played until like 700 a.m. or whatever I got up as like I have to make sure I go to bed and I can wake up for the dev stream so which I did I'm here right now which is awesome, so that's how I approached the game and I'm still not done, the the PS5 has like a I'm not sure why why they did it it's the most stupid feature ever but they have like a like when you are on the home screen of before you boot the game up you have like a little percentage counter of how far you are into the story I'm currently at 72% so 5 days of just doing I mean making steady prag and doing everything and I'm still not quite there yet which is insane it's a huge it's a huge ass game it's a huge ass [ __ ] game, it's better than remake on a first go that's for sure it's probably not my new favorite, top five definitely top three maybe but again top lists are kind of arbitrary, the game is harder like I don't know I played remake tons before this hit and, rebirth is kicking my ass even still I'm not sure if something changed I mean the combat feels a bit faster a bit like lighter the character be like smaller I think, so I'm getting the destroyed even though I just destroyed remake a couple of weeks ago, the biggest point for me so far is the music I'm not sure did I tell Snoop no I told no I know it's going to be good like yeah no no no I told I told you that like people say they cry when they play games for stuff and I mean sometimes they do but sometimes it's also just just an acceleration but- I cannot enter Cosmo Canyon without actually like cracking open like not te up but actually like just overflowing because how they remade that song is, I can't listen to that theme and not be destroyed I mean I mean a shamas like my entire world life everything has been on hold for this game for 5 days and like mentally I'm still very much in it and not completely done, do I recommend absolutely is the story like is the story mm what do you want to say like good as in like how faithful does it feel to the original and so far I would say very, is it the second coming of Jesus possibly I thought you were going to say no there all right, but that's it's chalk full of mini games so a solid five out of seven yeah yeah solid solid thank God for making me forget about F16 yeah there should be a separate t after the Q&A damn it I missed an opportunity holy [ __ ] longest five minutes of my life I don't get to play the game until tomorrow by the way anyway so oh rip yep it's raid time tonight raid time raid time we have a we have a dragon king to kill in that other final Fantage game you mean you didn't take time off from Final Fantasy, 14 to play this one, honestly if we weren't this godamn close I probably would but we've been struggling for months now and it's so it's so close to being done that no I wouldn't I wouldn't do the team dirt like that not for my own sake it's a very fun fight as well I mean I don't I don't mind sitting there whatsoever love you say s can't you do both yeah oh honestly like for the first 10 minutes of the fight yeah absolutely it's such a strong autopilot I can't by the way I can't actually emphasize on like with words found in the English dictionary how how like torn away from my new reality I was for this little stream it's been awesome being here and it's been great and I mean I've been fully here I'd like to think but my God what a what a flip of a coin that was especially especially that last part when during the 5 minutes when we put chat into Emoji mode like have I spoken for 5 days I'm not sure I have actually like used my voice maybe I maybe I like exclaimed something on my couch but I've I've written for sure chats but I don't think I was oh no we did voice coms for one Sunday raid we did a can't you just do, like, sorry I got a hella distracted and you just do, like put together a what's it called the thing you push a button it'll play a sound soundboard can you just put together soundboard with the commands all the raid calls yeah just hot key hot, hot bind key bind them to hot Keys that's one yeah yeah yeah and and then you put up your cam it's like oh [ __ ] you have your cam on and it's it's just like a loop don't give me ideas I mean any excuse I'll get to like get away with then you put like you know that that chicken that does like the press the button thing you re The Simpsons you're too young to get this reference yeah yeah yeah yeah you're you're like two years older than me aren't you assho I'm like 10 14 two years younger than you what are you talking about oh yeah you are what yeah 100%