November 5th, 2021 Livestream Snutt & Jace Talk: Satisfactory Update 5 Patch Notes vid commentary (Part 30)

November 5th, 2021 Livestream

Snutt & Jace Talk: Satisfactory Update 5 Patch Notes vid commentary (Part 30)

Clips for the November 5th, 2021 Update 5 Patch Notes commentary originally streamed on

This video is part of a series of 67 videos.
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ammo so yeah that's that bit oh just froze for a second yo jason how's it going well jace makes his way down the fairway let me talk a little bit about the changes we're making to the vehicle automation system this is important yeah yeah sorry this is also a funny we we did this like three times I think and it's it's like equally stressful every time or like jesus running around running yelling off like in the middle of a yeah golf course that like like in in general like I would say snoop was pretty concerned about like the amount of time that we were spending on the golf course and you know that we weren't really following golf etiquette like at all we weren't even playing golf you know and and I think I got the vibe that like snoop was pretty concerned about that the whole time and you were especially concerned at this point where I'm just like hawking down a field yelling gold as loud as I can you're also going in the opposite direction in this shot you're supposed to go from right right to left, the t is on the right was that yeah yeah oh yeah yeah we're also like all everything this is the last thing we shot on the course I think this is we were we had filmed everything oh I know where this is yeah yeah yeah, after that we just went and did the intro outro stuff so yeah because the the the yeah the t is that on the right there right the final two yeah with the, it's not nominal it's not the final final t but it's yeah oh you mean the, because because we are jumping all over the place on the course yeah itself, we we were not actually on the last not actually on the last hole when we shot there wasn't actually even 18 holes you guys was only 99