February 1st, 2022 Livestream Q&A: When will we update the menu at the Food Court?

February 1st, 2022 Livestream

Q&A: When will we update the menu at the Food Court?


This question has 3 related videos, and 2 related topics
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-5aXN_M_llxE">[https://youtu.be/5aXN_M_llxE YouTube - February 1st, 2022 Livestream - Q&A: When will we update the menu at the Food Court?]</ref>



when will you update the menu at the food court falsier be happy with what's being served all right doggo tacos if they're as delicious now as they were years ago yeah it's a lot more work than you guys think when it comes to like changing menu items stuff like that it's, you know on a on a planet with very limited variety of resources you know we can only do so much yeah fix it is striving to do their best yeah we have considered you adequate food we have considered like a vegetarian option to lizard doggo burgers but it's like is it is it worth the effort you know yeah not enough people want it they they taste so good though they just taste too good that's the problem that's right that's probably the only problem there's a lot of like vegetation on the planet but the doggos taste too good dude it reminds me of, I don't know if this is true if this is like those hearsays here in history but you know like how when they try to migrate turtles from somewhere to england or britain or whatever they they yeah they always failed because they were so tasty yeah yeah they just ate them they're like where are the turtles, sorry sir, oh it's just so funny imagine like them they're coming into dark and like all righty then where are the turtles like, just just wipe in your face with a napkin, yeah they're like so, we ate them you ate them they were really tasty yeah they're really totally tasty you weren't there yeah we paid you to bring those here I understand why you're mad but you weren't there okay you weren't there okay you had provisions yes and again you weren't there and we can give you those provisions yeah you can return the provisions yeah yeah we could give the provision look it was it was if you if you if you had it you would understand that's dark as [ __ ] but also quite understand yeah oh boy