April 18th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Update 8 Experimental release date?

April 18th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Update 8 Experimental release date?


This question was possibly replaced with a more recent answer: April 28th, 2023 Video Q&A: When was Update 8 planned? https://youtube.com/embed/d-MGfaCJfrw?autoplay=1&start=125&end=208

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-5NBgetrxtpw,7328.881836354332,7524.814798514275">[https://youtube.com/embed/5NBgetrxtpw?autoplay=1&start=7328&end=7525 YouTube - April 18th, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: Update 8 Experimental release date?]</ref>



one thing we haven't, answered today which we've gotten a lot of questions of which is naturally is, update 8 release date experimental release date is there an approximate thing, so the thing is guys, we don't have a date that we want to say publicly yet, and that's unfortunately just just kind of it so if unless we're confident we can hit a date we don't want to say it that's just a rule that we've always had throughout development, now when we say roughly- I want to say it's in the very near future I suppose, it's not like it's three four months well maybe it will be I don't know okay I'm gonna stop right now because the reality of game development is that anything can happen at any time and so we we just want to accept that reality okay so we just don't know we have we have dates internally but until we're confident in it we're not gonna We're not gonna say anything and I don't even want it like the fact that I even said maybe three or four people are going to latch onto that now so I guess I [ __ ] up but like it's yeah you're fine I just don't know yet and once we know a little bit more we'll, talk about talk about it then I think the the main thing for us and I guess it's a little bit stated that news maybe but like the main furnace really is like the the whole switch Unreal Engine 5 has made a lot of stuff uncertain, both in terms of how we like work but also like how the state of the game has been, and it's like a lot of things that are coming together like when it makes sense to release and like what the state of the game is and blah blah blah, and, I think it's going to be very like kind of last second when we announced whether when the update is coming out because there's still a lot of questions on our minds, with you know the overall stability of the game with their this transition in mind, and yeah and the other thing with like with Game Dev like sometimes things can feel really unstable but come together really quickly yeah like that's possible right it doesn't always happen sometimes it feels stable and then falls apart who knows so that's that's why it's really hard to say anything because like we have a date and as we approach the date we're like we're still not sure if we're not sure maybe we should push it back but things might fall into place and then everything's fine, that's the thing we just need to feel it out day by day so yeah so not coming next week I'll say that much yeah not not next week I'll tell you that much or is it not next week should be this year specific in the grand scheme of things yeah I mean it's probably a fair fair window yeah somewhere between next week end of next week and the end of the year we think whatever it was next week though huh wouldn't that be funny it's not though but whatever it would not applied unless I would not have a good time yeah I don't think that would be funny at all it would be a little funny please literally no one would be happy yeah jerk sauce happy this week good one good one summer between now and then exactly will the, swamp nuclear