April 18th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: What do you use if you don't use Git?

April 18th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: What do you use if you don't use Git?


This question may have been asked previously at least 1 other time, as recently as May 2021.
This question has a related video
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-5NBgetrxtpw,7213.66705,7236.193513">[https://youtube.com/embed/5NBgetrxtpw?autoplay=1&start=7213&end=7237 YouTube - April 18th, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: What do you use if you don't use Git?]</ref>



I'm fixing a thing sorry guys we use perforce if we're not when we're not using it which we're not using it actually I'm using it for some of the tools that we've made for streaming but that's a different topic when 1.0 we're using perforce for everything game related