April 18th, 2023 Livestream Lumen

April 18th, 2023 Livestream



Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-5NBgetrxtpw,5687.185029,6285.49581">[https://youtube.com/embed/5NBgetrxtpw?autoplay=1&start=5687&end=6286 YouTube - April 18th, 2023 Livestream - Lumen]</ref>


we're kind of coming to the end of of the stream here and, fresh out of my notes your dad sent you a message on teams by the way oh did he yeah yeah he just told me to tell you yeah yeah we can do that so, I hope, actually maybe we have already done that days actually because here's the thing okay so I've talked about we we did a Showcase with Lumen as well a few streams back where I showcased like what it looks like with the with it on and off, and maybe we can revisit some of those videos but I kind of want to show a little real quick what the game looks like when you turn Lumen on and off so Lumen for those who don't know is the global illumination, like system that epic I've been working on that's it's like a combination of different, Ray tracing techniques to to make Global illumination and I believe this is with it off and this is with it on oh big difference right Wow Let's go it's it's okay certain situations it's hard to tell which one is which whoa all right the thing is so someone says Showcase with the problem is you enable aluminum caves you're not going to see anything no oh yeah oh yeah, so yeah it's hard it's hard to tell which one is which sometimes for me because I think I've accidentally had Lumen on when I shouldn't have had when I made certain shots, but it's it's some it's in different scenarios it's hard to tell in this shot it's really difficult to tell which one is Lumen and which one isn't I think if I set it to night time, it might be more obvious or maybe not we'll see, we're just a setting thingy wait that was the cave we can maybe just just check it out it's gonna be nothing then yeah I have a video that better showcases can we go into a cave and drag a lot around is that like easy to do or, yeah we can do that that could be fun okay yeah so during night time we also can't really tell the difference


, yeah it's really in like, more heavily shadowed areas like you can really tell yeah but I think it's it's mostly cool when you're building Factory stuff and you like actually using lights and actually get the, like the screen space stuff I feel like it I feel like it's more apparent on Factory buildings yeah for sure is that just me like on like no no, inorganic things it seems to actually let me show the video I showed a couple of weeks ago, so here's I think we're still on sorry here's the video I want to showcase think audio is still running yeah so this is with Lumen off this is what a factory Building looks like in the game in general here in green sorry in grassfields and like Smith's little house here walk in so this is like we've we've lit the environment so that everything makes sense and, you know everything's fine when you walk into a factory going like this but when you turn Lumen on, same thing here here you can actually tell better when you're closer to materials, because here the the color on the wall says but when you walk inside you know it's, it's hard to see what's going on but then of course you could add some lights which will yeah help with that but like if you didn't have anything here it's cool too because it's it's reacting to like the building build effects yeah that was sick that was really nice actually yeah that's the cool thing is like so I think I puff open, oh that's cool too yeah yeah so if I remove like a part of the roof here oh yeah get this like shaving hot yeah that's nice that's nice, this is where Lumen really shines because it's like a combination of different rice raising techniques to to create the global, the GI, so when you're building factories you you have to have lights like if you're building anything indoors that's the problem and and there are ways to sort of circumvent this, with like making it so that you know it fits better with Lumen to mine but the the problem that we have is that like we want to focus on what the game will look like without Lumen and light it for that mostly, because that's I we believe how most people will play it, and then you know it's not officially supported exactly yeah so just just to clarify just to clarify that that this was in the video that we put out a couple weeks ago but, we we aren't officially supporting lumen in the sense that like it'll be in the game and you can turn it on if you want, but we're not gonna light the world and we're not gonna make changes to the game so that Lumen is supported in all you know reasonable situations like if you just walk into a factory maybe it should be lit a little bit right we're not gonna We're not gonna solve those, issues, when it comes to looming but you can try and solve them yourself with lights if you want to do that it's up to you we're just going to give you the option to play with it if you want to do that a good experience or a well-crafted one yeah and then the main reason for that is because it's like two supporting two differences yeah so this is cool with lights though, explain this as well last week or the week before with lights, lights in our game they are not actual lights, sorry signs that are lit up like this are not actual lights in our games they're they're emissive textures or materials which means that just material is rendered by its own it's not act like it's not affected by Lighting in the scene but with Lumen the system that they made is like actual emissive materials actually emit light on stuff that's close to it and proximity to it so science can actually light up rooms in Lumen which wasn't possible before so that's why I made this like headache of, this is the scene over here where this this room now is just lit with signs, it's pretty cool I love the the the the teal and purple on the roof yeah the the streamer colors stream of colors yeah so I guess that's just, one thing to keep in mind here's another demo in the wild where I think it was a little bit more obvious which ones with which because like the Shadows looks a bit better when you're cool oh you missed it Chase so like here if you look at the Shadows on the ground specifically, they look more soft than accurate in Lumen, but you also get, they're a little bit more I wouldn't say detailed but they they make more sense like in to work yeah exactly there's more of a gradient kind of happening yeah like areas that are more shaded actually get darker versus areas that are light and shaded so that's why I like with like cliff overhangs and such you can actually end up in so like spots where you can't see anything so in this shot in particular like that you don't really see a big difference between looming on and off if I'm just jumping back and forth here yeah yeah yeah, but then like on these I think the other thing to the other thing to remember with a lot of these, before and afters as well is like sometimes the difference is super noticeable in the before and after but when you're playing the game you're not playing the game with before and after right you play on one or the other and so like that contrast is not apparent, in most cases in cases like this it will be a paradigm absolutely well when we see this that's that's obviously a major major difference and very apparent but in most cases I think you'd be hard-pressed to really notice the the difference so like, you know without toggling it on and off repeatedly to see the difference yeah and for me when I'm playing the game and I'm switching back and forth I prefer using not Lumen, for this the sole reason that like my frame rate tanks, on my Hardware, it's very CPU heavy Lumen because it's, it's it's apparently it's faster on CPU than GPU in in when they've been testing it, and satisfactory is a very CPU intense game so like those two systems are going to fight it out the game thread and like the draw thread are gonna battle it out, so like I think on my machine I have a GTX 1080 I have i7 67 000k or whatever it's called the CPU and when I turn Lumen on I get like half the frame rate so I go from like I go from, 12 Ms to like 27 or something like that, so it's it's it's expensive but it's really pretty like when you want to take Beauty shots and stuff like that it's like some for me it's like I turn it off sometimes when I'm like walking around and just looking at my factory but when I'm actually like building and [ __ ] I turn it off essentially I have to turn it off whenever I'm working in, very shaded areas because I won't be able to see anything yeah in engine but like in more open areas it's doesn't really make a difference too much it's, will front it's not a it's not a console toggle it'll actually be in the menu for you guys so you will be able to like switch it on and off, I wonder if a console toggle would be a good idea because for those who use console it might be quicker than going to menus I wonder yeah maybe something to consider but either way it'll be in the menu and you can do it yourself yeah it'll be available but it's not like officially officially supported so to speak because it's very Hardware dependent and, yeah the lighting isn't adjusted for it at the moment this is all post unreal five correct this is we're in unreal five now yeah so this is that's what we have now and we'll have for update eight so you guys don't have it now but that's what will come with updated yes cool