April 18th, 2023 Livestream
Q&A: Depth of field stuff?
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<ref name="yt-5NBgetrxtpw,5587.628419,5687.185029">[https://youtube.com/embed/5NBgetrxtpw?autoplay=1&start=5587&end=5688 YouTube - April 18th, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: Depth of field stuff?]</ref>
quickly wanted to mention also something here so this is one of the old shots that I made, somebody asked about the depth of field stuff so technically the depth of field stuff I also made a Reddit post by the way that I commented on this here as well a while ago technically the engine has support for depth of field in the game and hopefully we can add that to the photo mode that we have in the game so you can make more Beauty shots and that's what we're using we're making these like teaser videos and trailers like every trailer we've made that's always been an engine that like we do a little bit of cheating sometimes where we load in more things that you would necessarily see in the game and like remove laws and stuff like that but most of the time when we make videos and teas and stuff like that it's all in engine and then we you know make it cinematic and making it cinematic makes it look way better than when you're just running on the game obviously but hopefully in the future we can add you know depth of field and like better control and photo mode so you can make like pretty much the same stuff that we're making in our trailers there is a mod out there where you can actually create most of the stuff like even the sequencer stuff where I'm like programming like you know animations and stuff like that there's a mod that can do that too oh that's sick it's called Uh, I'm blanking right now but yeah there's a mod that we can do similar stuff like that at home hopefully we can add it to photo mode in the future yeah there's been, fix it cam thank you that's the one fix the Cannons yeah it's cool yeah people, have wanted to to make changes to the photo mode so hopefully that's something that will happen before at some point yeah we're kind of coming to the end of of