April 18th, 2023 Livestream
"It's a small Update"
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<ref name="yt-5NBgetrxtpw,5296.693621,5407.672157">[https://youtube.com/embed/5NBgetrxtpw?autoplay=1&start=5296&end=5408 YouTube - April 18th, 2023 Livestream - "It's a small Update"]</ref>
- Satisfactory Updates > Released > Satisfactory Update 8
- Satisfactory Updates > Released > Satisfactory Update 7
- Satisfactory Updates > Released > Satisfactory Update 6
- Satisfactory Updates
it's a small update for, for everyone but yeah we we knew that we need to stop with the whole it's a small update I think every single time we've said that it hasn't been a small update, defined because like if you look at the patch notes I think the patch notes are way longer on like update five than like six seven but yeah it's not awesome it's it's like who is it small for like yeah it may be it's smaller than another update but that doesn't mean it's a small update yeah and, every time we say it's a small update like I feel like Community feels like, the impact has been huge so it's been anything but, where, and there's that Canyon if you go the other way where you were going before that like Canyon area down there it was pretty much entirely empty before and now it's filled up with stuff and it's like a part of its transition to swamp wait this is this area yeah it's it's complete it has essentially entirely empty before damn I was not expecting that yeah this area to me was just gone like I couldn't find it like it didn't really matter because there was nothing here right so what I mean is like I was kind of looking for that old area and and- I was like I can't find it and the reason was because it's not there anymore it's like this looks like this now yeah yeah that's cool small update we are just changing the engine in the world and like yeah that's not even all like there's more things to talk about yeah I Need video on Friday by the way any video on Friday like all the cool, new shoes we're adding to the game you shoot let's go that was the lamest fake Lee yeah I could have come up with a [ __ ] whatever or is it fake speaking of where was that video this