April 18th, 2023 Livestream
Abyss Cliffs / Eastern Dune Forest
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<ref name="yt-5NBgetrxtpw,5083.067331937382,5687.185029">[https://youtube.com/embed/5NBgetrxtpw?autoplay=1&start=5083&end=5688 YouTube - April 18th, 2023 Livestream - Abyss Cliffs / Eastern Dune Forest]</ref>
let's see you mentioned the abyss Cliffs what we were talking previously as well that one's, received some Polish as well this one is one of those errors probably because there's so many Cliffs where you won't see in the editor it won't look super nice because the grass is missing but right yeah yeah I mean this one has received foliage polish
kind of we removed deprecated assets and like added some some new ones to make it more shiny and I mean we can also fly through Eastern Dune, the show off some of the roads that have been built there because that's like pretty impactful so I think you say Eastern Dune is that like the Dune maze or the Oasis or no the one that's called Eastern Dune because that that one is on this map that I have Easter June forests is is it next to it's between grassfields and Southern forests and Titan forest and bamboo fields, I don't know what to tell you it's not here or maybe it's like because like the map I have here is older one it's still Waits say that again it's between Southern Forest grass fields bamboo Fields Titan forests Abyss Cliffs blue crater it's like surrounding oh wait is it this one yep ah okay- I mixed this area with a different area desert, we did some foliage polish here nothing too big, but the main change here is like you're going already through it like is we added roads and this thing changed like that moved yeah before but it looks kind of bad yeah okay so we made it interesting chat that's a pretty, I think what's gonna happen is you're if you have machines in this node they're still going to work but they're going to be hovering over here instead yep and they're going to be like consuming from this node so you can't really you can't place you want to get a build back on here right yeah exactly because that note is still taken even if you had a feeling these because like the the branches on these roads they're new they're they felt new because I was flying around here for a different thing, before I started doing shots and I was like it feels nice stuff yeah, and it's, basically line of sand and they were kind of kind of all closed off with like, these small like walls of grass, so what we did is we made kind of gaps in those in a way to make roads to make everything feel more much more connected and easy wait a second is this this shot well I'm sorry I got sidetracked here no it's wait what the hell ignore me, cool easy two and then coin Forest yeah going down this street yeah that's a sub biome of Eastern June so that one's been, updated too there's a lot of World stuff in this update y'all we worked really hard it's a small update for, for everyone but yeah we we knew that we need to stop with the whole it's a small update I think every single time we've said that it hasn't been a small update, defined because like if you look at the patch notes I think the patch notes are way longer on like update five than like six seven but yeah it's not awesome it's it's like who is it small for like yeah it may be it's smaller than another update but that doesn't mean it's a small update yeah and, every time we say it's a small update like I feel like Community feels like, the impact has been huge so it's been anything but, where, and there's that Canyon if you go the other way where you were going before that like Canyon area down there it was pretty much entirely empty before and now it's filled up with stuff and it's like a part of its transition to swamp wait this is this area yeah it's it's complete it has essentially entirely empty before damn I was not expecting that yeah this area to me was just gone like I couldn't find it like it didn't really matter because there was nothing here right so what I mean is like I was kind of looking for that old area and and- I was like I can't find it and the reason was because it's not there anymore it's like this looks like this now yeah yeah that's cool small update we are just changing the engine in the world and like yeah that's not even all like there's more things to talk about yeah I Need video on Friday by the way any video on Friday like all the cool, new shoes we're adding to the game you shoot let's go that was the lamest fake Lee yeah I could have come up with a [ __ ] whatever or is it fake speaking of where was that video this past Friday, we met talking about a bit earlier, ran into issues and couldn't put it out unfortunately sorry but, yeah we have yeah yeah theme of this update we keep running the different issues it's not the same issues different issues, so we're gonna have another video this week and then I think the video that we're gonna do last week will come out later still gonna come up the schedule has have we released a single video according to our original schedule I think we have no, I think it's a solid no let me double check but but I say that but also at the same time we never really have a schedule we always kind of like work with no but but I mean things have been going more and more like or less and less to plan this this time around but it's okay it just it just is what it is right we just need to adapt and move on, and like it still works we still get videos out we're still announcing stuff everything's gonna be okay it's okay it's fine guys it's fine don't worry it's fine okay it's fine don't worry it's fine but see the thing is the thing is though like game development is like the most mess one of the most messy things you could ever do, but it's very it's kind of rare I feel when it comes to like our community manager on the public basic stuff that it that it reflects the messiness that happens behind the scenes which is completely typical right yeah, and I think I think we get lucky I think we reflected a little bit all right we're not perfect by any means, but like I think this is in this case it looks like more things are are are messy because you can see the messiness because snow and I aren't getting what we plan to do out, but but, the process is always and has been for years constantly running into roadblocks adapting running at the roadblocks adapting the other difference is that you can see it on our YouTube channel this time, but yeah that's just how it is just game development yeah that's why we don't believe in like giving giving dates and stuff like that because you just can't predict anything you all should see the broken State the game can be in sometimes like holy [ __ ] you'd have a heart attack yeah honestly yeah I always, kind of, use this metaphor for satisfactory whereas satisfactory is a mansion on stilts in a swamp you know it looks great when you're in it but, when you're actually the one working on the house oh boy yep it's bad but that I mean that's that's probably most games I think it's probably most games yeah yeah it's like a duct tape and and glue exactly like you you zoom in or you like open a door that you're supposed to open and it's just like it's that gif everything's on fire it's like the game plays fine so long as you don't do these things yes exactly or you go to this area don't go through this area no turn around don't go to the bamboo field yeah yeah, quickly wanted to mention also something here so this is one of the old shots that I made, somebody asked about the depth of field stuff so technically the depth of field stuff I also made a Reddit post by the way that I commented on this here as well a while ago technically the engine has support for depth of field in the game and hopefully we can add that to the photo mode that we have in the game so you can make more Beauty shots and that's what we're using we're making these like teaser videos and trailers like every trailer we've made that's always been an engine that like we do a little bit of cheating sometimes where we load in more things that you would necessarily see in the game and like remove laws and stuff like that but most of the time when we make videos and teas and stuff like that it's all in engine and then we you know make it cinematic and making it cinematic makes it look way better than when you're just running on the game obviously but hopefully in the future we can add you know depth of field and like better control and photo mode so you can make like pretty much the same stuff that we're making in our trailers there is a mod out there where you can actually create most of the stuff like even the sequencer stuff where I'm like programming like you know animations and stuff like that there's a mod that can do that too oh that's sick it's called Uh, I'm blanking right now but yeah there's a mod that we can do similar stuff like that at home hopefully we can add it to photo mode in the future yeah there's been, fix it cam thank you that's the one fix the Cannons yeah it's cool yeah people, have wanted to to make changes to the photo mode so hopefully that's something that will happen before at some point yeah we're kind of coming to the end of of