April 18th, 2023 Livestream
Prototype and Alpha versions of Northern Forest
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<ref name="yt-5NBgetrxtpw,431.561195,540.770138">[https://youtube.com/embed/5NBgetrxtpw?autoplay=1&start=431&end=541 YouTube - April 18th, 2023 Livestream - Prototype and Alpha versions of Northern Forest]</ref>
- Satisfactory Updates > World Update
- Satisfactory Updates > Satisfactory Prototypes
- Environment > Biomes > Northern Forest
this point so for those who are interested we have a video where I sat down with our CEO Stefan and we talked about like the various iterations of satisfactory and like the prototyping faces that's on our YouTube channel, and this area is is heavily like, there's there's a part of that video when it comes to the later stages of satisfactory where this area is like kind of came to be and most of that video is like in this area in this like where I'm building like a little Factory here, yeah it's wild to look at this area now and look at from that video yeah like it's, much more, empty it's much more teal like yeah back when we had teal grass kind of as a default and just very very different vibe in general and like the the this landscape was much more open leading towards this area because I think like one of our starting zones was like here or something and you walk down like, this waterfall Maybe I think or something like that I can't remember but, yeah this is this is the area I think of what I think of like the early stages this this area reminds me of the, the, hand mining, minigame yeah oh yes there's a there's a video that probably you and Stefan talked about but there's also like a video that I had made from 2017 which is actually has been uploaded to the YouTube channel, where you can see that in the past if you wanted to hand mine something from a deposit you have to like time your clicks with this little mini game and it was super obnoxious but I think I think the motivation for that at that time was like to to discourage hand Mining and and encourage you to move on from it or something like that yeah but it turns out they were probably just better wings for us to accomplish that, yeah yeah yeah one thing I should also mention