April 18th, 2023 Livestream Red Jungle

April 18th, 2023 Livestream

Red Jungle


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-5NBgetrxtpw,4001.580767,4446.813653">[https://youtube.com/embed/5NBgetrxtpw?autoplay=1&start=4001&end=4447 YouTube - April 18th, 2023 Livestream - Red Jungle]</ref>


the the elephant in the room, all right no actually let's show up red jungle first actually yes I'm so I'm so happy I finally got to work on this area because I was, the old red jump or the way the the version of it that everyone still has, has the Christmas palette my my most wait what is it green and red Christmas I never liked it so the story about red jungle is like red jungle is one of the last areas I've worked on just before we went to Early Access just before the game went live for everybody and basically we didn't really have the assets to make a red jungle we didn't even have red like landscape grass at that point, so it kind of just made do with our library and what we had at the time and that was like half of the stuff we actually needed so now we finally got around to it, and I got to make it in a proper red jungle so we had like yeah like full repainting of the terrain, the red trees are still the same but like yeah all of the Lancia pitting is different all of the small foliage just completely overhauled it's it it is a proper red jungle though actually Oh no you're answering that cool the bamboo feels tradition yeah go away go away if anything it's like an interesting kind of trend, you know, before and after right I don't know oh yeah yeah I mean this is looking super like dense and Lush as well like in certain parts super nice more towards the right you're going to you're going towards bamboo Fields, so yeah I have to because the thing for me I think also because you're working with this Hannah but like part of me is like wow that Booth feels still kind of looks dope right now even though it's in this weird State, because when I was scouting, the teaser that got scrapped the original first video we were going to release, I filmed a lot of stuff in bamboo fields and then you were like no it's all broken I'm like well it looks cool though I like I mean the ideas are there because like this red jungle it was kind of kind of blowing out here there's still here's one of the examples I mentioned before beautifully in progress yeah so yeah this new water is is much better, it was kind of like this red like red green disgusting stuff on there before it was bad, yeah I also have something that changed in this in this area that there's more like open Parts more paths, clearly going through the area so this is less like claustrophobic in general the shallow water right so you can still drive here, some of it is some of it isn't yeah because there's a lot of like more dense so it's harder to like drive around here they feel like this is more of a you're under foots pathing here yeah stuff like that exactly it's all like that's all fairly new like the passing that's there I have to remind myself where I am constantly because I keep getting it going we're going towards Temple fields and there's still a bit of it yeah yeah this whole lower area as well and so much change happening to base terrain, in here no again it's like it's all small changes it's like smoothing and mostly painting and like just getting rid of the rough edges, those kind of things it it shouldn't affect you, not really you know should again as always you can hear the correctly and there was a ridge somewhere around here I don't remember if we used this footage in the world video but there was there was actually a shot that I made where there was like a tick walking on like a path it was like shot downward I had to remove like a whole [ __ ] rock to get that shot, and we didn't use that shot I think I put so much effort into that one oh well still hurting yeah or at least the J the snow cut yeah yeah at least this new cut for sure yeah yeah this this air is dope I love, red jungle was one of my favorite areas to run around and when I started playing the game for the first time what was wrong with you but that was terrifying oh yeah now we're going into bamboo Fields it's such a dude I'm constantly on the corner here like yeah yeah maybe you can go to the yeah with the the overhanging clips and stuff oh yeah we can do that let's go Gamers oh this is that actually be a pretty cool like drone you know PVP drone or it's called PVR PR drone hey edit it in progress area this is ignore that it's just that go fast I gotta go fast


I'm about to throw up we're gonna we're gonna have like 1600 people about to throw 700 people oh here it is oh no oh wait it's there that was not supposed to be there oh static mesh commit commit it no this is already committed yes oh wait wait I wonder if it's actually committed though because it might be I'm still on my branch but this is the shot I was working on, I had to remove like this whole thing you I don't think I mean unless you update it very recently and you got my my rocket desert changes this is yeah here it is a little guy I'm just a little Beanie I'm just hearing walking nobody don't worry about me I wonder if the, voice acting career oh yeah for sure hire me yeah all right I will hey everybody if you want to have understood as the first acting your game just give me a call okay bye oh [ __ ] fell through the world see the outline don't worry about it, we're talking about the, the cliffs part oh yeah you're here you're already there okay that was that was the area this here like a lot of the overhanging stuff oh yeah yeah hanging rocks up there behind you above yeah yeah the that like tights yes because they hang on tight right I was just guessing sure that's how you remember it's a 50 50. safer work, yeah you you might step on them okay all right let's check out this area over here, cool flowers huh wow look at that yeah and as soon and hands you can see a little bumblebee here or something like that, cool okay anyways moving on is this new water no it's not no it just looked like it was Rippling and [ __ ] we push up with the limo at true cool, do we is this now when we talk