April 18th, 2023 Livestream
Finding the area from the Update 8 Titan Forest Teaser
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<ref name="yt-5NBgetrxtpw,2657.789345,2764.237384">[https://youtube.com/embed/5NBgetrxtpw?autoplay=1&start=2657&end=2765 YouTube - April 18th, 2023 Livestream - Finding the area from the Update 8 Titan Forest Teaser]</ref>
- Satisfactory Updates > Released > Satisfactory Update 8
- Satisfactory Updates > World Update
- Environment > Biomes > Titan Forest
- Satisfactory Updates > Teasers & Trailers > Update 8 Teasers
off too much of the Titan foreign let me see if I can find the spot in the teaser, it's like over here I think it's really tricky because I get lost here a lot, yes okay yeah you gotta go further to the right because that's approaching the area that's still in progress there's like a lake somewhere small like it's not this one oh yeah it's further, yeah that way but on top of rocks so right right right right right up left right there you go there we go yeah yeah this is the area where the shot the teaser there is no deposit on that node by the way I just added it because it looked better it's a teaser I know some people commented on that, yeah actually no deposit there actually, so yeah this area has been essentially received a full overhaul I am like all the big time trees have been replaced and all of all of the foliage has been replaced and I've also redone pretty much all of the landscape painting the sculpting and changing of cliffs not so much, we try to keep it mostly the same if we could, but yeah the and the centuries are all in the same spots as was mentioned in the video hello so they shouldn't affect your factory but yeah full this will pop back up so that's, because the trees are the hip box of the trees are a bit smaller than probably yeah oh that also reminds me there might be