August 30th, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Will the game end if we complete the Story, or can we play afterwards?

August 30th, 2022 Livestream

Q&A: Will the game end if we complete the Story, or can we play afterwards?

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as September 2021 and as early as August 2021.
This question has 3 related videos, and a related topic
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-4vUbSs2u244">[ YouTube - August 30th, 2022 Livestream - Q&A: Will the game end if we complete the Story, or can we play afterwards?]</ref>



will the game end if we complete the story or can we play afterwards pretty sure this is my guess but pretty sure you're gonna be able to play the game afterwards I think story is gonna be it's not gonna be like take the stage so to speak I think when we add story to the game it's going to be like a like a side thing it's not going to be the game isn't going to be like the pacing of the game is going to be controlled by the story I think the story more so is going to be like a like a yes a side side chick the store is going to be a side chick for the game okay like you because like I think the ambition is you're gonna be able to play the game without playing the story at all and you're still gonna sort of get the experience that you're getting today yeah you can ignore the story I'm pretty sure that's that's what we're still so here's here's why I'm like hesitating on that is because we've been changing internally a lot about like how how the story works and like how it plays into the game we've been going through so many iterations of like what the story is and how the story plays into the game so you know it's still pending pending to change but I think I think that's still our stance that like you can completely ignore the story if you want to