March 12th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Is it a feature or a bug that Hard Drive results can be re-rolled?

March 12th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Is it a feature or a bug that Hard Drive results can be re-rolled?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-3tGgGxcY15c">[ YouTube - March 12th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Is it a feature or a bug that Hard Drive results can be re-rolled?]</ref>



is it a feature or a bug that hard drive results can be rerolled it is a bug that that you can roll and it's kind of funny cuz we we that was a bug that is existent in the game for a long time and then on update 8 we fixed it and we made a patch where we fixed it and then the very next patch we broke it again and people took it as like a you guys changed it but then you heard the feedback that we wanted that so you changed it back, which is 100% not what happened but I mean we can roll with that if that makes you guys feel better my God they listen to us we never listen to anyone no yeah not even ourselves, no but it it is it is a bug, 100%, and we we're going to do something about that in 1.0, for for that that bug