September 17th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Is the Pipe Mk.2 bug still a thing?

September 17th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Is the Pipe Mk.2 bug still a thing?

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is the pipeline Mark two bug still a thing or did this get resolved 1.0 so it has been fixed by our testing, I still see people complain about pipes and it's the thing here that we have to sort of ascertain is like whether this is user error or not right because we've done extensive testing ourselves and we've changed some things with pipes and as far as we know they should operate the way they should right so if you're running into any specific pipeline issues, then please make as detailed post as possible on the QA side preferably upload your saal as well to demonstrate because I've seen a lot of people that have, sort of misunderstood how pipes work and then there's no blame on anyone like I think the pipes the way pipes and FL Dynamics work inside his Factory is complicated I think there are ways that we could have done to like make it more clear but we haven't had a chance to do that, yeah snit said respectively kill skill issue it's that's sort of what I'm trying to get here right because I've seen a lot of posts on steam or people are claiming that like it's still not fixed and then people dive into like okay but how what's your setup look like and then they find out like oh you've you've put up this in like you've done this wrong or or like this is incorrectly set up or whatever and then it resolves the issue or like they they haven't bu they have too many buffers over there's there's a plethora of things or reasons why why it might not work, so like- I still haven't seen like I still haven't been convinced and this is the same thing as before before as well like I haven't been convinced that there are issues right now because as far as we know most of these issues have been fixed pipes are 100% skill issue so so so what I'm trying to say and like I don't want to blame anyone though if if you feel like it's a bug because it is complicated like I don't blame you guys, I just I just want to before you say it's a bug please explore this further and check with community and and make sure, and like try and communicate because I also see a ton of times where people post like hey I'm having issue with pipes and people are like oh okay and then there are a lot of really helpful people in our community that genuinely want to help and then the person just keeps like not explaining how they set it up and like Heap misunderstanding when people are trying to help them, so you know please be, mindful of this if if you reaching out and and, yeah just like it's okay you don't have to blame anyone else and you also don't have to blame yourself just like try and figure out like what's going on and then you can blame me yeah me blame me kill and then like at the point where like everyone's stumped including us then we can sort of dive into it and check if it's a bug or not but as far as we know pipes have been working pretty good I barely use them so what the hell do I know I do use them yeah I never us m