February 20th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Whatever happened to the QA Site being improved?

February 20th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Whatever happened to the QA Site being improved?


This question was possibly replaced with a more recent answer: June 25th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Will there be further changes to the QA Site? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG8mpMJfJ98

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-3c699cL-CVQ">[https://youtu.be/3c699cL-CVQ YouTube - February 20th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Whatever happened to the QA Site being improved?]</ref>



whatever happened to the QA site being improved there's some things going on behind the scenes for the QA site that's that's all I'm going to say for now I don't want to I don't want to set it up too much but there there's been some work, with the QI site expect things to, improve hopefully M TM