May 13th, 2022 Video Highlighting Markers & Stamps

May 13th, 2022 Video

Highlighting Markers & Stamps

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well with the stamps and as well with the markers actually is if you place a stamp you may notice this like highlight marker and this is something that shows up on the the regular markers as well so what this does is if you click select a highlighter marker it will show up on the map and it will also be highlighted in like the actual environment so this is great if you know if you play like breath of the wild or you know eldon ring or anything like that it's pretty similar to that concept where you know we'll show you sort of a beacon in the world makes it a bit easier for you to like explore and like figure out where to go so you know if you're out exploring and you're like oh cool what's on this ridge you can be like mark this you know and highlight it and then as you're running around the environment you can see like oh cool look over there the beacons are lit condor calls for eight you know it makes it a bit easier for you exploring like having an actual like you know marker in the environment to sort of aim towards another key thing to