November 24th, 2020 Livestream Q&A: Any way to recycle Nuclear Waste?

November 24th, 2020 Livestream

Q&A: Any way to recycle Nuclear Waste?

This question was possibly replaced with a more recent answer: February 16th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: What is the future of Nuclear Waste?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-2ZbRpgGteaI">[ YouTube - November 24th, 2020 Livestream - Q&A: Any way to recycle Nuclear Waste?]</ref>



good, anyway to nuclear, recycled nuclear waste, no not right now in the future there might be some way to like do something with the waste but not like totally get rid of it but maybe like reduce it or something like that because we always want that trade out of like nuclear if you want to use nuclear power there is that trade-off of handling waste but it's possible that in the future you will be able to do something with the waste maybe it's part of some other production chain or something I'm not quite sure actually but there are ideas for that at least