July 30th, 2020 Mod Highlight Mod highlight part 1: Moar Factory (Part 1)

July 30th, 2020 Mod Highlight

Mod highlight part 1: Moar Factory (Part 1)


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so first of all, there's something called the the more factory mod, which is it adds like a bunch of features like a bunch of cosmetic stuff to the game, so it gives you this like extra build menu, build menu where you can access like a bunch of more stuff and this is what I've used to like build this thing and like added this thing and, yeah there's just a bunch of stuff in here there's like doors like a better look at the thing that you built you just kind of like zoomed right by it yeah so like we'll get a bunch of looks because I've built a bunch of stuff here, but it's got like this great powers there yeah big-ass radio power that's also more mod I think, I'm kind of mixing probably going to mix up the mods a bit, because some things are in more factory some things are in the other mods, like the decoration mod etc but there's just a bunch of stuff you can add like here's a there's a big old fan you can add as a window that's cool and they they have like animations and [ __ ], let me show let me show you real quick one of the cooler ones, that I saw when I was surprising the silo one this guy this one's got like full on

[ __ ]

like when it boots up boom and it runs its own I don't know damn dude damn has been fired yeah and I think like you can connect yeah you can connect like conveyor belts to this cool this is just massive storage yeah I think so I haven't tried it out yet but, it looks like it I think it is a big fan big fan, more lag please love it three fps all right so the the fragrance really bad for them can you like I don't know like is there anything you can do I


all right so yeah there's just a bunch of cool stuff in in in this thing and it's it's interesting because like it's a it's a piece of equipment you equip and that gives you access to like all this stuff so it's just a bunch of extra stuff so I have like an antenna that like runs I think I think this runs animation as well yeah it does it's like booting up here I'm not quite sure what this, is used for but it looks cool cause you hook it up with power and everything is that texture the, standard engine texture on the base no it looks like the the the yeah it looks like it right yeah yeah it is no shade that's fine just no [ __ ] yeah just looking oh look while also looking like it's amazing I have like a hog here so that's a perfect opportunity to showcase this the [ __ ] rocket launcher oh we do have one huh yeah, it doesn't look amazing now because the [ __ ] resolution is dog [ __ ] or like I'm running in in a super nintendo but you can essentially use this like clear out a whole [ __ ] forest oh really yeah like oh my god there you are guys so everyone this is true yeah this is how to clear it up fast it's because potato power and that one is just called like rocket launcher that's a separate mod, but yeah more factory like what time is it yeah so so there's just a lot of it here, there's a lot of cosmetic stuff and there's a lot of cool, things like I think my favorite thing in this are the doors let me showcase this I have one here so like when you approach these they like slide open oh yeah a lot of people have been suggesting those as well yeah it's so cool yeah it's really cool and like it's also solves like the issue with doors in general when like the they'll like physically [ __ ] up because doors are [ __ ] hard to make in games in general, but having a sliding one it solves that problem so it's really nice, so yeah another really neat mod that's not part of more factors as a separate one is this thing which I think we're going to add this to the game but having slanted, fences here yeah I think that's something we're gonna add I'm pretty sure we just haven't gotten around to it but there's a mod for it in the meanwhile so you can check that out while you're missing, but yeah I don't know to some degree I don't want to like showcase too much because I also want people to like download this and try it out themselves if they want to explore themselves, but this is a really cool mod there's even a [ __ ] crane here look at this [ __ ] it's amazing oh yeah that's so cool, so yeah I highly recommend this mod because it's really sweet, again saying where's the tony hawk's pro skater mod where you can grind that sick rail


what do you what do you mean mod update yeah yeah exactly it's already in there, all