July 30th, 2020 Mod Highlight Mod highlight part 1: Farming Mod

July 30th, 2020 Mod Highlight

Mod highlight part 1: Farming Mod


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-1dUNmBBbExs,1382.936004,1624.734701">[https://youtube.com/embed/1dUNmBBbExs?autoplay=1&start=1382&end=1625 YouTube - July 30th, 2020 Mod Highlight - Mod highlight part 1: Farming Mod]</ref>



but on that note of of, food let's showcase the farming mod farming yeah man so there are like different, greenhouses you can build, these ones are like the manual ones so these you have to like you have to walk up to them and like put seeds in there, these ones are making, wheat so I can take the wheat and go to my like bakery here a cooker and place the wheat in here and it bakes bread and you can bake like a lot of stuff like you make muffins this is runescape man you gotta get your farming stat up man yeah I didn't make red berry pies give them the dwarves yeah, so yeah there are I think there are different types of seeds or maybe it's the same type seems like yeah it's the same type but it's like different amounts of seed for different types of things so you can grow so I'm growing wheat in these ones and here's like the mark ii version of it which is automated so like, don't think burgers oh I mean it's a it's a crime against humanity if you can't but apparently I mean it's a work in progress maybe I don't know, we need to add lizard burgers that's for farms sure dude it would be amazing if the mod was like yeah you put liz doggo in in the search container and then it just feeds it into the machine and it makes lizzie duggan burgers, I'll so yeah like there's also automated greenhouses which feeds lizard hot dog, and here here I'm growing corn and here you can see how like I connected water as well so I have a water thing coming here and that makes it enriched so it's like a better, thing and yeah it's automated and there's like the uber greenhouse which is like super automated it's like biggest biggest hell, I'm also growing wheat so it's really cool you imagine going to the supermarket and you're gonna be like you know those like for four dollars you can get a bunch of corn or you can get the rich corn for five dollars yeah dude the rich corn isn't that like ngo kind of yeah like kind of or like like or like, eco-friendly or something yeah yeah yeah but it's really cool- I actually played a lot with this mod, itself just because it was nice to like get a new chain of like stuff to build, because like you make seeds out of, sandstone or rims called, so I built like this whole rack to make it automatically you make seeds of sandstone no it's called limestone sorry limestone you get this thing yeah let's take another little production and you put them you can put them in the constructor and like these and whatnot but also like there's a different you know chains of stuff like so when you bake stuff you can bake like pies and then you have different stuff that you need for instance this needs a yacht berry so you need to grow that as well so this is this is more to it I guess just like food I suppose you couldn't do yeah yeah and exactly and and, like once it's done you can like I think I would have a bunch of corn maybe not let's throw this stupid nut away I got some corn here you're gonna be like yay I got corn and they have like different health stats as well I think the muffin is the best one of course it is but here I have bear like bread the models are pretty sweet too so yeah yeah that's right that's that's literally the bread that I buy when I go to the supermarket you gotta get that bread man it's a throttle out whatever yeah
