July 30th, 2020 Mod Highlight
Mod highlight part 1: Mk++
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<ref name="yt-1dUNmBBbExs,1097.238666,1142.529312">[https://youtube.com/embed/1dUNmBBbExs?autoplay=1&start=1097&end=1143 YouTube - July 30th, 2020 Mod Highlight - Mod highlight part 1: Mk++]</ref>
right so let's talk about, the next one that I want to talk about here is the mark plus plus mod which is essentially it takes, the regular factory buildings and it like makes them more, optimized essentially so like there's like mark two mark three mark four constructors just makes them faster they just build faster so that's what I've got set up right here which is a bunch of mark twos I believe, I don't know if you see the 16.75 yeah so just better buildings and there's one for like everyone I believe like mark yeah there's smelters and foundries and whatnot, one thing, one more I just glanced