June 8th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Can you do a play of an old version on a future stream?

June 8th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Can you do a play of an old version on a future stream?


This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: October 17th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Can you play one of the old working iterations to show the evolution of the game? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOlpqRsUgXo

This question has a related video, and 2 related topics
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-1LI1POVgi4U">[https://youtu.be/1LI1POVgi4U YouTube - June 8th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: Can you do a play of an old version on a future stream?]</ref>


can you do a play of an old version on a future stream we've actually yo we had that idea and we're gonna do it and then we and then like I don't know I think pandemic here or something we had that idea a long time ago, you mean like after after we released it or no no like like now whatever do you like let's play satisfactory but like a really old build yeah we did that did you forget did we I even talked about it on this stream you remember the pre-alpha build that we played like the, I thought you were talking about the video that I made way back when yeah yeah well we actually stream it the video is from that build I think but we did stream it and play it and and all right there you go great idea we could play version like play version 1.0 oh I wish but we could play that the very first like 0.1, cause that game is also kind of different it actually would be fun I think because we didn't have we didn't have elevators we didn't have trains, things worked a bit differently, we didn't have the dismantle effect designing money games mining minigame was that no that wasn't in that build but but the crafting was it no it wasn't in 1.0 I think oh sorry in 0.1 the the crafting minigame was was, I don't know I remember when that was removed that was removed before I started working at coffee scene probably, so it was it was definitely before that like new look we we made for the game but but, maybe maybe that's interesting to play that very first version of the game just see how different it was all those good old recipes what is the recipe that everybody misses, it's the, it's the space elevator parts because that's that's something we added later, because like I remember I was watching a video of of somebody unlocking like the next like tier three or four or whatever for the space elevator and they used like some steel plates like it was very menial oh funny I remember when there was like a market or something in the oh yeah dude in the, it wasn't a space it was just the hub right and you could like trade and buy or something it was weird so weird oh the game's been through so many different, iterations I remember I played that version I was so confused I was like what what do you do what's this game about yes satisfactory's seen some you guys