October 17th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: The Global Illumination setting keeps resetting, is this because of Linux, Proton, or Vulkan?

October 17th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: The Global Illumination setting keeps resetting, is this because of Linux, Proton, or Vulkan?


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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-1HRJw5IR-GA">[https://youtu.be/1HRJw5IR-GA YouTube - October 17th, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: The Global Illumination setting keeps resetting, is this because of Linux, Proton, or Vulkan?]</ref>



the global elimination setting selection box is now blank with the latest patch on each, start it switches back to TAA is this costed by Linux proton or Vulcan or AMD, not sure the way you can resolve this is by, deleting your, which the config folder I think, the folder that holds the the settings for, the, the the settings for the game I can't quite remember which folder this I think that that information is out on the internet so if you Google this you'll find it but there's a workaround for that it's something you need to Nuke the, the settings, file, ta is still buggy okay, let us know on the QI side I guess cuz I actually don't know what that entails