September 10th, 2024 Livestream 1.0 Patch Notes

September 10th, 2024 Livestream

1.0 Patch Notes

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we're going to take a little bit moment to talk about, not the patch notes, but I mean we're going to talk about the patch notes because we do have the patch notes, also fun fact I'm not sure wait I need to actually have the correct data when I say this but, so the way that production for 1.0 has gone is essentially that we've had our updates going running I think if you remember the road map video I kind of explain this but we've had our general production going like with making updates and like working towards making you know the stuff that goes into these updates and then we've had people working on 1.0 like side by side side by I don't know I don't to say in the graphics they were Ted down but at the same time we've were working on updates we've been working on 1.0 so there's been a lot of like while working on updates we were also working on 1.0 so like we've worked on 1.0 content for so long, and, one of her producers who mentioned that like he was doing the patch notes, for 1.0 and it's like impossible, it's like I think I think he said it were 50 pages yeah the amount of texts yeah, like in the original we're not going to have that actually but like he mentioned that like yeah going through all the change lists that we have when we're committing stuff on on for working on this game, if we just collected all the changes and and combine them into one single document it was like 50 pages just a box of screws yeah, and some of these they're on bullet point by by the way but, so I wanted to take a bit moment of to talk about the patch notes that we are going to publish, if I can find


them I'm looking in the wrong chat, because we needed to the Pat will be a little bit different 1.0 because we couldn't do like the traditional like bullet here are the bullet points we actually had this issue last time where we hit the limit on Epic oh sorry on on Steam yeah, like there's a limit on how big your patch notes can be and, we hit that, which was a first for us and that was update 8 and update 8 was also a long longl lasting one, where is the thing say something interesting while look for this something interesting I was trying to buffer something but, I'm kind of balling with the idea of what to do with the Lego from now on just what kind of content to make out of that yeah we can't leave that unfinished I really I really hope that wasn't insane for, like assuming or claiming one p p was missing but L you couldn't find it either right the, you it is gone yeah, thank God for that so I'm say I am not I am not the problem for once we are both the problem the missing bag of pie both can someone c one of The Producers can somebody message me the patch notes because I cannot access them, in the channel they it's like password protected apparently the PS are so secret that we can't even we can't even read them internally so if someone is able to send that to me that would be great right are they keeping stuff from us too apparently are there spoilers we don't know about imagine if there are that would be sick that would be sick cuz again I am already stoked for, everything coming like everything we all know at this point, but if there is even more stuff holy moly yeah there there, I mean there's that's that's been sort of the issue in making content for for for this in particular because there is so much stuff, and there's going to be a lot of stuff that I didn't mention in like the content that I made because there's a lot of tweaks that working on this big of a game there are often times few people at the company know everything like I think- I don't think I can count like potent we could potentially count the amount of people that know everything working on this game is like on one hand yeah, even that's kind of fall off actually yeah and like even then it might be tricky, oh Hannah savior oh if this is what it is I a she just sent me a clown meme H can't believe this [ __ ], no but like the it's such a huge game and it's like I constantly, when I talk to people, what is this doing whoa I've never seen this before wow wa, anyway if you can only see what I see, no but like so so so very few people know everything and I often time when I talk to people I often hear like who I didn't know you could do that and and even when I've made the videos people like Cain messaged me like whoa I didn't know you could do that so like it's a big game mhm and even though you know people are constantly play testing it and and, and building stuff for it there's still things to discover, all right so but let's let's just quickly go through sort of a list of things that are coming in 1.0 how do I get rid of this teams thing the game is out in 20 minutes man surely they can wait, no we got to we got to summarize yeah we got to summarize so if you're just tuning in this is the countdown stream for 1.0 where we're going to drop 1.0 in a little bit less than what's the time 20 minutes yeah exciting, and in 1.0 there's going to be a lot of new stuff that you haven't seen yet, there's going to be a lot of nice book fixing a lot of optimization and there's going to be a lot of new content that you've all been waiting for and one of the new content that people have been asking for for a long time is New Factory building so tier n is going to be available in 1.0 and very exciting the Final Phase of project assembly, and by the way we've also sort of sort of readon some of the narrative that we re raled up into this point, characters such as Kina parks and Steve are are well sort of Karina Parks is still mentioned in the game, fun fact but, they're not as they don't play as big of a role as the originally were going to do, was cerium still named after Kina Parks yeah so it's I think that's still the case here so, that that's still the same I just wanted to make that video to sort of set the like make sure that it was on page that like okay we don't expect like what you've heard before yeah anyways so tier 9 is going to be the main thing in in, in 1.0 like that's the main new thing and it's all about finishing assembly and project assembly is part of the Save the Day program which something we've not talked too much about before is like the whole Narrative of the game so there you're finally going to get some form of conclusion to the game, which might be strange in a factory building game but that's there is one sort of sort of sort of you'll understand what I mean when you play the game, finally and, yeah so so a lot of new stuff in in in tier 9 is related to the, Quantum Tech that I've showcased in a te video a while ago and that's two new buildings the converter and Quantum encoder converter essentially converts all the you can convert resources into other resources which is something that solves a big problem that we've had in in the game for a long time where, if you run out of sulfur for instance, it's easier to sort of build your own, chains than be able to use that, there's a Quantum encoder which is a new production and the converter does many things other things I'm just going to glance through this and the quantum encoder is takes part of like the big complex building parts so like you use the converter in a lot of those chains and the quantum encoder has, two requirements or like One requirement is that needs the new matter which is excited photonic matter, which is using every recipe in that and it also produces a byproduct which you needs to solve for all recipes in that and it's interesting problems, we've got conveyor lifts Mark 6 something that people have been asking about for years and what belts belts yeah belts, did I just say lifts no we only have lifts you can only Transit them vertically yeah yeah yeah, oh the unhinged builds that come from that yeah so you're finally going to be able to take advantage of the 1,200, resources per minute that you can output from a Mark 3 minor that's happening and, some people also asked from the videos is like but what if you overclock the cuz I mentioned the particle accelerator takes like 6 coal to be able to produce 30 diamonds but then how are you supposed to cuz that's more than if you over collect at 250 that's more than 1,200 and I'm not going to give you the answer but there's a way okay exciting, but there are going to be some I think recipes in the game still that you can't take full advantage of, due to some limitations, but at least from The Mark II minor resource like thing you're going toble to take you'll find a way it's you guys talking about, we got the blueprint designer Mark I which is really exciting because a lot of people have asked us for a blueprint designer bigger blueprint designer and we decided to go this route, instead of just taking the default blueprint designer and increase it we decided to go with adding a mark 2 and you're going toally get access to the Mark 1 in the same place that you do now which is like tier four it's four yes none of us in the room play the game okay it's four four confirmed and then you'll get access to the Mark I later in the game, so so and it's a 5x5, 5x5 by5 blueprint designer, so it's a bit biger bigger it might not sound like a lot but having just that one extra Foundation length, actually does a huge difference, and everyone who's been play testing it has told us that like now they're able to do stuff in the blueprint designer that they weren't able to do before I got the highlights out of that, there's a new fuel type called fonum which, you saw in the video as well the the ball looking thing you might remind you of something else ball of su no relation, it's purely coincident if it looks like something else and with this you're going to be able to create plutonium waste which will finally sort of this this is wrapping up a big loose end in the game where you can finally sink, plutonium waste into producing fonum and then with fonum you can make fonum fuel rods which you can then use in nuclear power plants and these do not produce any waste they are the worst fuel type in the game as in they they burn the fastest but they are you're finally going to be able to like close the loop sort of, for that, so and then we have all the new alien Tech stuff so, in the last video I finally revealed the, alien technology this has been in the game since Dawn this is a dawn of time they've always had like this work work in progress Mark, not anymore not anymore now they're usable and they are by far the most usable items in the game in my opinion okay it's up to everyone okay but the the dimensional Depot which I'll talk about first is the way to, to essentially get a central storage area if you've played Minecraft it's similar to the Enders, what's it called Enders nether, nobody in here plays Minecraft for 40 minutes, the the chest where you can essentially access, environments so like with the dimensional Depot you can upload your your production parts and you can access them wherever you are on the planet and there's it's a bit limited so you can't have like infinite access to it Ender Chest thank you Chad yeah there were some people in chat who played Minecraft at least imagine that, so, yeah you're going to be able to take advantage of being able to access stuff and I've always thought that this has been one of the biggest gripes when playing the game is that like when you're just running on the building you're constantly being like ran out of this thing now I got to run back and it's always like one thing it's always like I'm R of plates and I got to back to the base just to get plates and then you run back to base and you get plates and you're like go back to where we were building and then like I forgot this thing I need concrete and go back and forth constantly twoo few plates yeah like this this sign this is by far the the biggest like in my play style at least the biggest, gripe I've had and it really made it so much better it may seem like- I've seen a lot of discussion online where people feel like this will eliminate some of the fun with a game in limit like Central Storage eras and stuff like that I think you'll still find use cases for that I think there's still some some fun things you can do with that and having a central storage area is still nice I still have that in my safe file I still have a central storage area, so so- I just think that you'll play the game a bit different I think you'll you know you'll set up your Bas a bit differently but they're still usable, and also there's the limits to dimensional Depot as well so like it's not like it's infinite, in the end game you it's going to be way smoother but there's still a limit to it and it's you're also limited by the amount of the limited amount of myospheres on the planet and then we have alien production amplifier which is the alien overclocking no not Al overclock it's it's the power amplifier augmentor sorry I just jumped ahead, or maybe I didn't they okay they've combined it into one thing here I think okay, which is use case for Summers slops you can put these in the, Power augmentor building that you've seen in the last video video the big laser machine big loud laser machine finally yeah, and with that you're going to be able to, improve your your factory production, by increasing the you're going to be able to boost your power essentially, very juicy and then alien overclocking which is the internal work name for it but, Alien amplification I think is the name where you can, overclock your buildings even more essentially you can use spend some Loops to able to to get a bigger output with the cost of much bigger, like huge power consumption power consumption yeah I think it's like four times in some a lot of cases something in that, which goes hand in hand with like why you need the power augmenters because you'll need more power so but you'll need to figure out how to spend those and and one fun fact I believe is that the amount of meros spheres and Summers Loops have changed on the map so we have changed like the ratio and we've reduced the amount of Summers loops and we increased the amount of subersive spheres, and, the there's also like a couple of factory cosmetic stuff we've had added a couple of new buildables I think a lot of people were wanted way more cosmetic stuff, but you know we'll that's maybe for the future you know like that's maybe something but we've added a couple new things we've added two new barriers we've added a new fence, we've added so you can add like materials to all your buildings so instead of just having the regular old, Factory color sets that we have you can now also have cool finishes such as like Chrome and bronze and cerium is one of them, so make them all shiny and stuff really nice and they can be used on like almost all the buildings, so it's not just like for walls and and floors and stuff like that it's actually very in fact almost every video I've made I've used the, the I can't remember it's it's like, oh the iron colorish silver the the cool like, carbon fiber color it's it's called carbon fiber something I think in the game, on concrete which I always thought looked pretty cool so it's not just like dark in color concrete it's actually with a different finish, and now we're at the and there's also new windows I forgot to mention that and I didn't say this in the video but I did show it in the b-roll there are now stairs inside of oh yeah yeah how about that so confirming that once and for all because- I saw there was still a little bit of Doubt when I put the video but there are new stairs in the game okay, and they're pretty baller not going to lie they're pretty useful and you can make like I people in in in at cof have made like huge like spiral staircases that go super high up and it looks super cool, so really looking forward to that, and yeah that's mostly the Cosmetic stuff and now we're starting getting to the balancing changes which as you may not know we' made we've made yeah number changes, and, I'm not going to go too deep into this the patch notes do mention a lot of this stuff, like how certain Milestones are unlocked earlier and how like fuel gens have their own Milestone now and like the fuel gens are what was the change again it's like they take less, input sorry I was so did you hear the shout from downstairs I was trying to ignore it yeah no I couldn't so I just got completely I'm so sorry what we saying for like the P minut fuel something yeah the change to fuel generators where like they consume less fuel now or like oh yeah yeah so so you'll need to build more or to get the but you do you get more power out of them or something like that right oh yeah this was the oh yeah I remember this mishap, yes I think you do need to build more they require less fuel to Output the that they do so you can build more now with the am like if you have like a few generator set up right now you're going to be able to build more with the same amount of like fuel that you put into them yes yes yeah yeah exactly words thank you yeah exactly so they they they we haven't like it is does it count as a Nerf or a buff I'm not sure in this case actually because it's a little bit of a both right change yeah it's it's a big change a cough so stuff like that so so we'll drop these patch notes, in the, on socials and whatnot you can find them out, which I've forgotten we need to link that in the we need to solve that we have socials yeah [ __ ], and yeah there's a ton of new parts there's a bunch of new recipes there's new alt recipes I've avoided talking too much about recipes and ALT recipes, because I think it's more fun for you guys to discover that and and go through it also because some of these numbers change less than 10 minutes let's go that and there are quite a few of them so yeah, Dr can now use all fuel types not all fuel types but most almost all fuel types instead of just batteries so batteries have, like the the significance of batteries have been removed, reduced rather, and yeah drones fly differently depending on what fuel type you can do so the the better fuel type like the more complex the fuel type it is to produce the better drone the faster drones will fly oh my the expanding SC this is this one is Juicy you want to take this one oh is that I can't read from here zoom in talking about oh yeah oh the most dramatic actually it might be for some people because, it's probably the most early Game feature of 1.0 maybe maybe, the fact that the biomass burner now has a conveyor belt input yeah yeah which is going to make that quality of life in the beginning of the game very and maybe later who knows very very very quite nice and I think that will it's it's like a small thing changed in the early game but that will have a huge just the fact that you don't have to again harking back to the, dimensional Depot just not having to make as many, round trips back to completely feed to continues to feed them yeah this is going to be super nice, one thing also we'll see a little bit how this plans out but when I was play testing this at least, I think, placing manifolds for for bass generators you might notice that like they might not be as as good, because of how fuel generators like cuz you need to fill up for a manifold to make sense right and in the early game sometimes you'd rather have just like put in 10 fuel in that one putting 10 in that and 10 10 and so on and so forth, like fill up fuel D because you won you'll get more power if you just have an even flow so like in I think in the early game I think what my prediction and I may be wrong about this but my prediction is that we'll see a lot more load balancing for this particular thing because I think manifold is like the overall like, preferred method of of routing things, so I predict that you will see more load balancing for biomass generators in the early game and then you'll move over to manifolds as the game goes on but who am I what do I know I haven't even finished the game, let's see here yeah there's a bunch of small tweaks as well to to some of the here's the thing yeah so fuel JS now produce 250 megawatts instead of the previous 150s that's the thing we touched on previously, and there's a bunch of stuff with like mam changes such as like programmable Splitters and geothermal generators they're no longer be needing supercomputers so they're going to be accessible earlier on, and the gas mask is also available in the maam, instead of being in tier five so it's going to be accessible earlier which is going to be trying we're trying to mitigate the whole nois being able to destroy gas pillars oh yeah, do you want to talk about this one oh yeah hard Dy rerolling and saving yeah so each hard drive you get, now only gives you two ultra speed instead of three but as a change, like it's still a buff because if you don't like those two options you can now roll each and every hard drive one so you do technically end up getting four options the thing is if you do choose to roll your hard drives you can't then go back to the previous two so it is kind of a short in dark about like okay I don't like my two current AES that I can pick from, but if you do up to roll and those other two options, end up being worse or also unattractive then, well yeah tough luck yeah yeah but yeah two options and one roll option for a new two new two new options yeah and they should also only be able to present, recipes that you can produce by that stage of the game H maybe maybe maybe no that's how it works yeah, so yeah those are some most of the new features coming in 1.0 we also have a bunch of qual out of life stuff, such as being able to build straight convey belts making 9° turns this is a this is a banger of a feature yes elus is nodding behind the, yes it's so good, being able to just like drag and drag from one input to the output and just get like straight proper convey belts, and, they you can get most of the use cases in there you just need to learn like a little bit like when when to pull from what and like what order to drag things, so that's really nice if you also if you hold control when building, Railways you can now get them to to become straight so it'll be straight in the same axis at at as like as as their connection point so they'll still slope down and up depending on the curvature of the terrain, but, that is also huge, oh wait I didn't know this wait this is new to me okay apparently you can free place signal now so you can place them wherever you want on the railway instead of just at like the intersection points that's actually pretty dope I have yet to place a single yeah a single I have and I didn't notice that so I would have know huge holy [ __ ] damn I'm I'm actually wow that's pretty cool Chad is anyone else here a true and tested conveyor belter why have trains when you can just have a million belts running across the because it's fun to set up the signaling system they it seems complex but it's really fun yes it is complex yeah but it's really fun when we get it work nah, that's dope, I've also just don't F no, once you're used to it you're just here's another thing that I didn't know I actually don't know what this entails but like when you're dismantling blueprints you can also now change the, build mode to completely dismantle all parts of the blueprint instead of only a single element wasn't that in the game already maybe that's not going I am going to be real and, yeah I think I'm allowed to say this is this not enough today chat or maybe I'm maybe I'm wrong it's not I've played internal for so long that I just don't remember less than four minutes maybe it's not maybe I maybe I just played Ro I think so too yeah internal has been like the life or yeah there's a bunch of to like the build system there's the clearance system has actually been updated as well so like they're a bit tighter, there's the guidelin system where I've showus in this video where you can get clear guidelines now that are just having green green lights, and, they also show like Direction and stuff like that and, then it talks about narrative which we mentioned before there is a narrative now in the game we won't talk too much about that that's up for you guys to discover yes, there's a ton of stuff in the world I'm not going to go through these and again to touch on the super quickly again every single one I think of AD lines have been changed from the beginning of the game every single line worth checking them out, and yeah we're 3 minutes away from release and we haven't even gotten to the end of the patch notes, there's so much else coming on WE has to do with like optimization achievements bug fixing, Network optimization there's been a lot of work gone into, working out the, The Kinks with the networking that code, conveyable system has been completely remade for networking for instance, through the steam post real quick to see what yeah exactly, save system has been optimized so like saving should be way faster, the rendering as well like and and like objects that are saved into the safe file are also optimized so yeah there's there's so and dedicated servers hav't touch that dedicated servers are also gotten a lot of love a lot of fixes for dedicated servers B not only Ben but also and all people, and, we're finally going to fully support dedicated service now by the way dedicated service have up until 1.0 been experimental so they have not been finished, so now we're fully supporting them 2 minutes oh my goodness oh my goodness you want me I can I can push the the thing so don't worry about it, and, yeah it's insane this it's insane how much work has gone into this one like update and I think think for a long time I think when you work on it for so long we we we feel like it's not too much new really but like now that we actually started collecting it's Earth shattering like we actually go through the patch notes when was the last have you have you played u8 recently at all gone back no I can't properly play I can't without straight conveyor bels and I can't with a dimensional Depot so I like just refuse I took a couple of hours just no more than a couple hours so too little time to just boot you eight up it's insane yeah yeah it's it's night and day there's yeah there's so many so many changes yes, and not only that but like- I really feel like the quality is so much better in 1.0 oh yes oh yes, I'm- I feel really happy and proud of of what the team has put together in terms of quality for the game and I am really excited to see and hear how it's going to go once it goes out into the wild and, finally get everyone to play it's it's scary I think I'm feeling the pulse now just thinking about like all the buzz all the oh God yeah so