September 10th, 2024 Livestream Mikael & Snutt Talk: Post-1.0 plans vs. pre-1.0 plans

September 10th, 2024 Livestream

Mikael & Snutt Talk: Post-1.0 plans vs. pre-1.0 plans

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-1GH5SZkrv2M,9109.93965092529,9293.441162">[ YouTube - September 10th, 2024 Livestream - Mikael & Snutt Talk: Post-1.0 plans vs. pre-1.0 plans]</ref>



arriving here and then just wondering what's going to happen now from now yeah well if if you're curious what's going to happen, from now on is that we're we're going to keep working on satisfactory so satisfactory is not like one and done once 1.0 comes out we are planning to do more work on it we haven't fully announced anything yet but we have some ideas now on what to do, we'll talk about that in the future the near future, but yeah there's there's more satisfactory coming, we also have fixas coming up that we are we we've committed I mean we officially said it now I guess but we are committed that we're going to fix fix miss you can roll it technical no no no, so, we're going to we're going to fix fix Miss so fixas is like same quality of 1.0 essentially so that's the least thing we're going to do but we also have some ideas of what we can do and, we'll see like which direction we take it and how big of a change we plan to do, but yeah like satisfactory is like in 1.0 is going to be in 1.0 state so it's like it's going to be we have to handle the game a little bit differently going forward because when you're in Early Access we have a little bit more like I wouldn't say freedom because you we still have some some form of obligation commitment to yeah to commit to like cuz we always felt that like the game still needs to be of a certain quality even in early axis, and we can't just do go will and alen and experiment and stuff like that so, but there have been like a bunch of tech depth that we've really tried and hunker down and like really solve for 1.0 and fix a lot of bugs I'm sure there are plenty of bugs that you guys are curious about and asked me about and we haven't really made a video on that because it's really hard to, it's really tricky because we could make a video talking about like all the things that we fixed for for 1.0 that have been like Legacy issues and whatnot, but the the truth is that like sometimes certain things can break again and you've seen that happen so like it can go a little bit up and down but we have gone through a lot substantial list of Legacy issues and we also had many meetings where we like trying to nail down like what do we need to have in the game for us to be able to call it 1.0 and like what are the sort of you know do we have to have a full-fledged you know train system like maybe we don't need that maybe the train system we have is good, of course it would be nice if we had you know be able to set multiple, signaling chains or rerouting and whatnot but you know for its worth like the the train system works there a couple of bugs and those are more important to fix rather than to like ad hoc new like systems into it, and this is like a balancing act too because I think in certain aspects are also like we could do more, with what we have for 1.0 and in certain aspects we have such as with the quality of life stuff that we felt we needed to fix and we needed to leave it in a good enough State, so, yeah I don't know I don't know I don't remember where this tangent started from I think it's just like it feels surreal to be this close to to release, and, and it's I'm I'm glad that