September 10th, 2024 Livestream Mikael & Snutt Talk: 1.0 Marketing plan

September 10th, 2024 Livestream

Mikael & Snutt Talk: 1.0 Marketing plan

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boy we are 35 minutes away is it 35 yeah holy [ __ ] 35 minutes away from releasing the game my back's hurting it it is tricky cuz like we have to we can't you have to sip proper on these couches because of the mics, they're super you got to get up on open it like I proved in the beginning when I was sitting over here yeah yeah yeah exactly, so I am feeling it too, but yeah if you're just joining us right now welcome to the releas stream we are 35 minutes away from well I don't know why the timer is doing that but we are 35 minutes away from the full release and it feels really strange because we have been planning this release for, like from from marketing perspective or like Community marketas perspective we have been planning this release for more than a year now, like we launched the road map video in January talking about the like revealing that we're not we're not doing more updates at one point was the next thing, where I also set up the whole laser thing which I'm really proud of that that joke was set up in January by the way folks okay, and, yeah we've been just like this has been one of the few times when we make these like marketing campaigns or what you want to call it like I don't really see it that way but making content for our releases where we actually had the game sort of finished and and like in a good state so we can actually make content and actually know what we're doing when we when me and Jay went to, to CERN and film we're filming for update 3 that was not done at all and we just just got a list of like these are the potential things that might be an update 3 and we just filmed a ton of stuff that didn't make it into the the game, for instance the the the the big alien bug thing, that was maybe was going to happen if they didn't happen, so, so yeah it it feels really strange that we're actually at this moment right now like doing the dev stream, counting down there's like almost 30 minutes left, before it actually hits where yeah it's finally happening I'm kind of curious personally because, I mean with when I arrived I don't remember a time here that was not like 1.0 Centric workwise at least internally, so just