September 10th, 2024 Livestream Interview

September 10th, 2024 Livestream


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with youall do you have any like favorite memories from working on the game you want to share don't say


no, oh I mean there's so many there's like, the I mean update 3 pipes reveal was yeah that was baller one of the most UN like unrivaled moments because like there's so much so many things that were happening on that like one it was a super hype reveal yeah, but, two there's just like- I think we had a good time on that stream too but then there was also like me uploading translations to the, to the to the I think patch notes video which dropped with it or something like that, at the same time while we were streaming yeah and like there was just like it was really chaotic and and and and interesting so I think, that might be one that sticks out I mean doing the golf video was was incredible, twitchcon was wild I remember I was talking to someone downstairs about the, when I went to games that one time and I got to meet a lot of people that was really fun as well so so many yeah it's the way the thing for me was when I was looking through the when I was making the video was like there was so many things I forgot yeah CU it's been so long like we remember- I feel like sometimes we we selectively remember like certain things that we're like oh this is a good moment but like there's so many more that I just didn't remember yeah it was good to see it all in that in that one video I was like I remember that remember that, so, including the update 2 the trains in nuclear that was a wild ride cuz SN and I didn't know what was going to happen cuz we filmed on a train we didn't know how that was going to go we were planning on going to a nuclear plant we didn't know how that was going to go like also for the record in Sweden it's illegal to film, nuclear power plants because they're like protected buildings and you know you're not allowed to come near them with a camera so we just like showed up and like hey can we film and like yeah we can escort escort you well well here I'll give you that here's the real plan right the plan was we're going to go there and we're like we're going to get denied so we'll film in the opposite direction that was the plan we're going to be like it's over there but we can't show you right that was the plan that was the fallback plan and so we went there and we like there's got like a reception area and it was just closed and all the lights were off like there's no one here whatever and then so we started to leave and someone walks out and turns out that lady was like the head of marketing and PR person the only person who could have authorized us to do something so she was like you can stand here you can film in this direction whatever and and then yeah then it worked out and we actually got to include it yeah it's nutty wild wild wild yeah yeah yeah I think, for me it's been like all the yeah for I always look back at like all the videos we made and like oh so stressed making that especially the CERN trip oh that was the most you had like a ton of issues with luggage yeah that was a good time have to go back to the airport at 9:00 p.m. pick stuff up yeah you know the the thing with like the what what's the theory with like you have a present self you have like a past self and like you tend to remember, trips like there's the whole mind thing where if you went to a trip like your perfect vacation but you would forget it after you leave, or you would have like a okay like a lousy location but it be in your favorite spot or whatever it is like most people would always pick their favorite spot because they would always R I would choose that too yeah and and I feel like that's the say for me too with like a lot of a lot of memories that we've like a lot of these moments that we had when we were doing stuff for work that I was just like I remember in the moment I was that was not a good time it was awful after the afterwards it just feels good so yeah- I completely agree and and I think the my my easily my favorite things with it were probably the hardest things that we did so that c trip was definitely definitely one of them especially since we had no idea if we were going to get to see the hyron collider at all and we were trying to get in and it was it was a nightmare, but and we tried to sneak in we tried to sneak in well we I feel like we didn't though cuz like no no we didn't they let us in they let us in they let us in but then they said hey you have to get back out and then we have to line up essentially a dude just led us through a portion of the line and we're like all right cool and then someone came like no you're not alled to do that and I was like but he told us we said we're filming a video but yeah but like those things were were good memories yeah good times, and I think I've seen that you've you've finished phase four I have I have finished, satisfactory Early Access that was really cool mhm yeah, I will say that after leaving coffee stain and and not working with satisfactory it meant that I got to play the game in like a different way like I got to it wasn't work anymore I got to just relax with the game and the game is just so good like I loved it I just kept playing it because it's just like it like I played it on stream cuz I was just like it's just so fun to stream and it's like so satisfying to get things done and, there were so many accomplishments that I made along the way that I didn't think I could in satisfactory and one of them eventually was actually finishing phase four and that was M that was a moment I had a lot of people watching at that time too so that was really fun that's that's not did you get have you seen that we have reduced the I have yeah I have you know what I'm glad that I achieved it my way that's okay that's okay I'm again I'm not I'm not the one who always want the easiest road I don't mind if the my pot's a little harder you know so it was good is a 1.0 away replay angle, replay yeah angle yeah, so I'm currently planning to continue my save so I've done a lot of preparation for my save I've used priority power switches to isolate all my factory parts and then I've turned them all off so my my factory is off now, and then, what I'm going to and I've backed up update 8 and so what I'm going to do is I'm going to check 1.0 see if anything has been swallowed by Um mountains or anything like that if so go back to update 8 move things and then like go back to 1.0 and then I'll just have to redo some recipe stuff, and then I've also colorcoded and put signs up for every one of my miners with their with their outputs and resource they are so all I have to do in theory is find a replacement node plug it into the same conveyor belt and then I'm good to go so hopefully hopefully I'll be able to continue my save, but at the same time I'm also interested in restarting because obviously there's narrative related stuff that would be interesting and I'd also like to see what the experience is from the beginning as well yeah since things have changed because that's I'm at tier six and I'm I've been like I am not restarting because I spent so much time getting to this point and now I'm like yeah so I'm I'm interested both ways but at the very least I absolutely want my current factory working in 1.0 okay yeah regardless of whether I started you had that one since like update one right like yeah years yeah yeah yeah I feel like there's a little bit of like a bragging rights when you can actually be like yeah I was here since update one and I actually have been able to like since my very first factory and and get through it and I think it's a a little bit Testament to us too that like we that the game has been playable like you can actually do that all the way and, and not only that, it's I didn't have a point, oh no I'm forgetting it oh no he lost the angle yeah I lost the angle, Circle thank you thank you no I guess it's not coming back oh well here what it is y, I'll forget it I remembered as soon as someone stops talking yeah yeah yeah as soon as you leave the stream like no it's I remembered it go for it also, that save file is, the save file that I recorded a lot of b-roll and footage for coffee SN videos in as well so, that's the same save we used when we did, we did a stream on Epic things is that that save that's that save oh so wait really oh that's so funny yep damn so yeah so a lot of memories Ty that say I want to keep it I forgot about that entire thing I just remember I remember everything except for sentences I just I just remember the moment when you ran up and we got attacked by Hogs and it just go like oh look at the


gamers, yeah so so like I'm also curious like since you left cof like what has your been have you watched have you watched any videos that we put out or yeah yeah I watched like what's your what's been your perspective like when you're not like I mean I think you know most things that we revealed but like what has your been your like from outside looking in like, it's been it's been fun and it's been weird as well yeah, I assume so yeah yeah like I think in the beginning there was like a part of me that like it stung a little when I would watch the videos it was like H you know like, leaving behind, this thing, but, Then I then then I sort of got used to it and then I was like ah I settled into just being a Community member and it was kind of just really fun and then I just got hype for the updates and, and just been enjoying it since and, I think I think you've been doing, a great job with the videos as well and the production is like really good too I think it's way better than my production ever once so, I think everyone has been in pretty good hands with with the both of you got the formal here's the formal signup of course yeah so super super glad you can join us and be here for This Moment Like I said before it it felt weird not having you here with since you've been such a big part in like, both the YouTube channel and the the streaming that we've done and all that stuff like it's, yeah it's like it's it's one big journey and like while you don't have to be there for the entire thing I wasn't there from the very very first beginning but like you know satisf is as much to me as it is to you when in terms of like what we've put into it and and made and everyone at coffee thing really, like a big labor of love yep like like I've I've sort of said this before as well is that like- I was I spent nine years at coffee stain you know and so I was at I don't know how long satisfactory been developed for eight years or something like that I was there for SE seven of them or you know whatever their length is minus one, and, you know to me like- I still cherish that whole time that I have and and and all the accomplishments that I made along the way or that we all made made along the way that's all still there that's all still valid and then just me leaving at the end to me doesn't spoil it you know so- I'm still really really proud of all that and and I'm actually also proud of leaving sort of when I did because I've been doing a bunch of things that I'm really happy that I've been doing so, to me it's it's all good and I'm just watching you guys finish the game it's super sick and it's it's happening now so I don't know it's just all it's just been all good yeah cool where can people find you under a rock, yeah no, if you want to find me because I am still on the Internet by the way and I don't mean like actually find you my address is yeah, no I am still on the internet I'm still doing things I make content I do streams I make, YouTube videos I do Dev Vlogs for my I'm so I'm working on a game and I'm gem balls everywhere jmb a WLS, twitch YouTube Twitter whatever and, yeah I make, variety videos, on games I do variety streams Dev Vlog stream Dev streams Dev Vlog videos yeah been a buch Safa videos yeah yeah lots of satisfactory stuff cuz I was trying to finish the the game yeah, and, I've done like IRL streams and stuff in the past so like some Trav things so like you never know it's a mixed bag if you want to hang you can, come hang Good Times yeah yeah well thanks for coming Jay no worries thank you very much for having me I really appreciate it it's a it really is super nice to to have come back for there's plenty of people that are really happy that see you all again people have been asking me about this like why you get you got to get Jace back on the stream I'm like I mean, yeah I mean we are okay so I'm not going to lie there's a thing I want to say real quick yeah is that, my community on my Discord yeah I told them that I was working on my game today and watching the stream and I've been in the voice chat with them all day but I've been here so I don't know how they felt about not that high you baed, yeah, yeah so yeah it's been good ultimate awesome well best of luck the launch everyone and I'll see you all later bye guys thank you man than for coming see you oh