September 10th, 2024 Livestream Merch

September 10th, 2024 Livestream


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right chat we're gonna we're gonna move to the next segment I'm just going to prepare the stuff no not that one this one prepare the thing and oh now I see what you were struggling with yeah for some reason okay interesting very interesting all right like I said if you're just tuning in, we are counting down for the 1.0 release of satisfactory in a little bit less than 1 hour and 25 minutes already yeah Jesus yeah right time moves very fast when you were in this on the stream yeah yeah, we're going to, very soon actually I mean less than yeah almost one and a half hour, 1.0 will come out and it will be available for everyone and we're going to be playing the launch trailer for satisfactory that we've been working on for a long time so, really exciting times but before we get to 1.0 what is going on here boom all right or maybe not spoiling everything no it's not on stream oh thank God yeah for some reason, we are going to talk about merch so, as some of as some of you may know may not know we have a bunch of merch for satisfactory I love it it's like impossible to be discreet when you read this [ __ ], he made an effort all right so, as some of you may or may not know we have merch for satisfactory and we have since the dawn of time not the dawn of time but a couple of years ago, Dave from hero replica reached out to us, and has since been partnered with us making a lot of merch and we've been really happy with the merch that he's made it's really made a bunch of really cool stuff it's quite frankly yeah and and if you haven't noticed this thing in the background this is not like CGI this is an actual Factory cart that Dave made had shipped from Canada, and like assemble it here and it absolutely works I can't show it on stream, but it totally works you can actually write around in this thing can I try right now no no it's a house of cards behind here we no no no no, but but yeah so so and like there's so much stuff like heroic replicas makes like replicas as you may may not have guessed yeah, and is made like the Xeno Basher you want to show it off and like the lizard dog this thing always so heavy yeah this is this is going to be a, a, like gdq zense part right now which is funny cuz he also sponsored gdq so anyways but he made like the big lizard doggo thingy there's like beans there's stuff behind there the the build gun which I don't know if we've shown this actually, this thing, look at this this is the I think this is the final version right lenus you know this, yeah yeah that's the final one so this is one you can buy on the website this is a really cool replica, and take this off me what do you want take this off me oh no thank you all right fine whatever thank you, and, yeah there's there's there's a ton of stuff, on the website and, was was there we go yeah yeah and there's like beanies and plushies and and and whatnot, not beanies the the bean was I was going to say and, yeah really exciting stuff and we've been really happy with Dave and I've got a couple of slides prepared here actually just to Showcase some stuff, that's related to this so if you want to move to that scene you got that right there yeah nice so so yeah there's merch essentially is what we want to say, there's still merch go to oh we got obscured with the picture in picture mode you can just hide put us in the top corner there you go look at that, is where you go if you want to check out some of this merch stuff, they're really cool and, there's more coming there's more coming so real quick oh my God what is up with the slide here we go yeah real heras they made replicas for other games and then they reached out to us and wanted to do a bit more stuff than just this so and, they've been, yeah helping that oh is that a gun blade yeah man have you not seen that before no no I have not F gun blade let's go yeah I'm revitalized and they yeah they made a ton of you can probably hide the picture and picture mod we'll do this because got to get the the goodies there's a ton of stuff on the webside, like we don't even have all the merch here right now which is kind of sayy because we have so much merch oh we have the new toilet pl we haven't seen oh yeah this off either look at this stuff this is the juicy thing you go to camera one there or camera them maybe this is better over here look at this it's covering me the toilet flesh DLC is finally here download not downloadable but it's, it's flushable so so that's a thing, but yeah there there's a ton of stuff on, they also updated recently with the bill gun so you can now download and stuff like that and then we got stickers and and goodies and the toilet flush DLC which is the defective logistic coupons which you can, get limited I think it's like while stocks supplies last, and this is It's really soft get get a get a that can't see it on can I make it this is nice you here we go it's still too late now yeah look at this this is so get get a bit of ASMR here is it picking up no I mean I hope so so yeah enjoy that all right anyways, so that's stuff there's also a new merch such as this coin got over here, and move the mouse away and then yeah the T the T-shirt I haven't actually seen this yet do we have this in office I love this t-shirt they didn't arrive in time oh okay they didn't get it here yeah yeah yeah too late for the order bumer, but what we did get oh before we move into this so so yeah it is you can get it while so yeah so yeah like there's a new t-shirts with like it's like a band tour thing where I showcases like, all the updates that we made and, it's really cool I think this is also limited Supply maybe oh maybe not this one, but what we did get for this, we have a upcoming piece of merch which is the vinyl print for the soundtrack for satisfactory and we have like a couple of test prints I think so so quick disclaimer is that like the art isn't final, we're still working on like that stuff we couldn't get that done in time because we needed to finish the game, but here are the pressings I guess we can open these and yeah yeah yeah so so let's let's oh we get the full experience here it is Christmas today they were right more Asar that's loud actually no yeah so this is the test pressing hope there's no spoilers on this we didn't, we didn't, what's it called, check that before yeah I know show me too yeah on camera yeah this is what they look like oh [ __ ] I'm so scared of how do how do you hold a v I think I'm setting some collectors right now but yeah look at this one of them is going to be orange yeah that's true so one of them is going to be orange, so it's or is it like one side or one fully yeah one ful right yes so so the, the vinyl that you'll get with the OST will have two discs or two vinyls two discs look at the youngling over here, I actually own vinyl so I don't sure why I do buy vinyl, I love but this Sidetrack but I love one time when I bought a, a record and I bought like the CD version and the vinyl version and I told a friend of mine like hey I bought like a collection thing like I bought like a CD version and a vinyl version he was like you bought the CD version and I'm like you got the same reaction that I did that was so crazy like you're not going to react to the vinyl thing all right all right but I guess it's like a bit of a thing now when you collect vinyls or something I don't know anyways, yeah it's two track if you go back to the the presentation, yeah you get the two track in this is as I said the the the art is still working in progress this is not the final art but the the vinyls will sort of look like this and have this sort of color the satisfactory orange color mhm, and if we go to the next slide we got some of the new new stuff, there's a video on this by the way if you go to our YouTube channel U I talked about this in a video that's just called new merch I think recently so there's an En enamel pen, enamel pin set wow I don't know why that was so hard to say, and there's also this usb3 drive with the the digital soundtrack of 8 gigs of storage but, we actually have some new things to talk about, and that is that the next set for Pins is available and it look like this little Factor oh my God the I haven't seen the factor card before that looks so dope yeah so cute yeah oh that looks so dope G cute, and there's a video here which I can't play wait it's playing right now is it, yeah no no a yeah I'm pretty sure I can't play that, so so, I'm not sure what was the video about NIS it's, it's one of those like these things control panels where you could oh wait right man I really wish I could work yeah so it's like a mini keyboard stupid Microsoft get Bill Gates on the phone all right, it's cool though it's like a little mini keyboard sort of, and, oh my also in progress in development is, what is this what is this [ __ ] ponor no yeah those that's a weird summmer Sloop or sorry mosphere that's a mercere yeah weird all right apparently we're doing this, these are scented candles and, yeah we're, doing that, or are they wait so the golf balls are proper golf B I'm like half, briefed about this but the golf bars are real golf ball right golf balls and it's proper candles yeah and proper candles little candles what what what smells do we get burn cut grass burnt wood sh pedos I love that surely we have oil just a just smell of capitalism in your apartment industry in the morning it waks anyway all over the place really nice, so yeah if if this sounds interesting, please check out there are pre-orders up and and for the new stuff that's coming and there's also, like they've built up quite a repertoire of of content or like products for satisfactory which is really exciting it's all good stuff like very high qual stuff so yeah so so thank you so much Dave for for hanging out with us and and being with us big sale going on oh yeah there's a big sale happening as well I can't read so do check that out I think that sale would go live now I guess, and if you use the coupon code, coupon code wait is that yeah that looks like placeholder, you can get the sticker sticker pack for free so, yeah check the coupons and check the website in regards to like shipping and all that stuff to get the full Deeds M, so yes very exciting I think that was the last slide yeah look at that good [ __ ] nice yeah all right Coolio I just going to