September 10th, 2024 Livestream Satisfactory Lego Sets (Part 1)

September 10th, 2024 Livestream

Satisfactory Lego Sets (Part 1)

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are you ready it's it's your bit now oh [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah so fun fun thing I can take over so so a fun little thing that we prepared that we've said that we were going to do on stream for years I think, and a little bit of a shout out too, to, our Lego Community okay this is a bit surprising it's not official leg or anything like that but a while ago, someone on in our community made a, I can't remember what the name of that, site is but there's like a site where you can upload like your own Lego builds, and custom builds and, oh my goodness we've gotten so far look at this yeah this is so funny we have to explain the whole thing here so so so essentially what we've done is, so yeah people can upload any Lego builds we'll we'll make it work will hold it yeah somehow somewhere so yeah anyone can upload Builds on on for Lego and then if they get like enough, requests from Community like 10,000 requests then, Lego will consider making it into an actual Lego and that's actually something that happened that was uploaded by what's his name nerdy legist or something nerdy legist Kyle yeah who made the original like Constructor and then that got a 10,000 votes and Lego said no no apparently they don't want to sell yeah but but screw Lego we we're we're doing it ourselves we got our own Lego pieces don't screw Lego can't wait for the season to assist


all right anyways so so, but the the set is available, for anyone oh jeez there's so many things I didn't even realize can you fit it on the I can have it on the couch are you sure yeah I'll hold it for you as well I need to take over the camera so we can actually see what's going on but I'm just going to explain real quick what's going on so so so yeah we we essentially we we downloaded the entire set and, lenus is going to as far as we can get we not sure if we can actually finish this, today probably not like this is several hours and the thing is too like it's not only lenus building right now we're going to do this in segmented so like L will build and then we also have a team of people building the set it's going to continue build yeah so we'll see how far we come maybe we can finish it before spe runs we'll see we'll see but I'm going to cocky [ __ ] there are so many parts like yeah you assemble all this we have more pieces many yeah sheesh where where do we put those then hang on so this is as far we gotten so far how long you guys what page are we on 48 48 48 out of 700 okay just scroll down on the laptop yeah I'm going to scoot in cuz I don't want to mess with the mic angles too much there is there is no floor left by the way chat you cannot walk here let's see should be fine page page what out of let's see 48 48 out of several hundreds apparently so 48 out of 253 2533 okay yeah, how long was the stream H we could probably we can't extend it you have messages I have messages I can't build L has messages oh no you build I build I have to work we're going to rele we're [ __ ] I won't even censor that here oh God just scroll we could do this just scroll and build how hard can it be it's just Lego bro I had- I've owned Lego since I was like three I'm still three so you know, wait four they're supposed to be like damn I wish I could show the the instruction cuz it's really deep deted yeah do I is this so if if anyone, if any of the moderators in chat are able to, find the the Reddit post that ner legist made oh may we can do this can we somehow angle it there we go show it to that camera that camera over there yeah I'm not sure how long this cord is either the charger you could remove it but yeah so it's it's essentially Lego instrctions yeah Page by Page it's really cool started on 48 so, no 460 so so like these these are available now you have to order all the pieces yourself, which is a pain in the ass and, we also want to give a little bit of shout out to the people well build damn it Focus, shout outs to the people that have, made there's also a train set for that's also up on I wish I could remember the name of the site St with this se you follow instructions how so like those are the pieces you need and then the next step is these supposed to be the like I mean there are organized yeah, so, I think so there are two more sets there are currently up for voting or whatever you want to call it the, there's a train set and there's also a fuel generator I believe, that's up on Lego idas is the name of the website just remember, so check them out and give them a vote and maybe Lego can shut us down once more, because they're really detailed like there's I don't know how many how many pieces did they say it was was, a number yeah too many okay wait so we have these flat ones and hold on a second this just turned into a Lego building stream instead SC who cares about satisfactory we're all about Legos now I pop the schu wait a minute no I think they started me off on the wrong instruction page really I was placing pieces down the there so no yeah I did I did I did jump to the correct one now so we're good, Lena said he could finish this in one hour but I okay if you give me 10 then that's a maybe hang on, this goes here okay so these are just mirrors of each other yeah easy got this I built Lego with a friend like I think this win like last winter and it's strangely not even strangely it's just very what's the word like calming meditating that's the word yeah it's a little therapeutic yeah, are those untouched no they not to each other okay so we do need square blocks of which we have precisely zero apparently, and there supposed to be flat thin ones as well okay all right while you do this we're going to have more people on so so if you keep building we can probably, keep the show going you need you might need to scoot over yeah I was gonna say I need to like get the hell out of here or you can just scoot over so that it can fit in more people I'll hop on to the side over here say bye to M everyone he's going to be off off mic for a sec, the question is everyone just looks there's like multiple people in the room that just look lost are are tors Anna over there or because we can see anything I wish you the this this setup is so complicated, so like there's it's like three different rooms for all this stuff yeah go for it yeah yeah please yeah go get him tiger, all right and then I can set this up I do this fantastic all right, almost working how you doing over there champ you're not actually expecting to finish this are you like no you have to finish this before before countdown you have two 220 left to do it cool 2 hours and 20 minutes until Final Countdown yeah the Lego whs are completely down don't Chad don't dos them don't stay awake waiting for me daring be for a while you can do it I think it was [ __ ] up no never mind it's good stop swearing m yeah this is a speedrun Lego building I wish I could L have to bolt for SEC so we don't have the camera operator anymore but potty mouth exactly holy holy smok who's going to okay Chad hit me up