September 10th, 2024 Livestream Sacha stops hiding

September 10th, 2024 Livestream

Sacha stops hiding

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hiding behind there or if you are yeah you are okay yeah you can pop in I wasn't sure if if you were here or not so we're GNA we're going to immediately throw in our first guest oh so you going to scoot in the mic yeah did we sh our mic then yeah yeah you we sh I'm so done yeah so welcome Sasha welcome yeah how you doing nice to be here which camera do I look at, all of them all of them at the same time yeah so, who are you tell us who you are who am I, yeah so I'm the sound designer here at Cain Studios, the previous sound designers from whom I, Bear all the Heritage they they couldn't take it could handle it it's all it's all breaking a yeah it's like a stream of Consciousness so I'm like three people in no but like it was like Emil was there before me and then Joel started in the very beginning, but so yeah so I'm the new sound designer so I do all the essentially I do all the sound design and, music things that are related in the game but, yeah it's it ranges from technical implementation to like doing the actual assets but we work also with, ghostwood Empire which company and with Dennis and enus, and, you know them because theyve made the [ __ ] wait it's really confusing it was easier when we just had one camera you know them from like all the songs that we put out on trailers and stuff we've shouted them that many times but they made a lot of tracks for our trailers and, it's been great working with them yeah yeah and like Dennis has been doing some work in game as well so it's like there's been a lot such a big project as well so there's been a lot of like split up splitting up stks tasks yeah Etc, so yeah so yes, hope that answer question so you actually do implementation as well of sound in game because that's that's like I think not super common, at game studios usually it's like you have someone external and then they do sound design and like, music or whatever and then just they give you a bunch of stuff and it's up to developers to sort of like figure out how to get it working yeah yeah it depends I guess it depends on the size of the studio and depends on how important audio is to the people because it's like, you could do the same with animation as well you could like have a separate company that does the animation and you implement the animations and sound can there's some studios that do the same with audio but, of course like, most of the studios that like have good audio in general they have people that are even if they're outsourced they're pretty close to the devs so like if you're an outsourcer and you're completely removed from the devs usually there's like some form of Chasm and it's not as cohesive whereas yeah Outsource doesn't mean remote from the dev or doesn't mean like that you're not close to the dev team, so yeah, but yeah we do have like we do have like a middle Weare and or like an audio engine called wise it's pretty standard there's other ones like f mod etc for those that know it but, yeah so basically that tool is like separate from the engine itself so we can do a lot of stuff parallel to the dev So like, we can work because audio touches so many things it's on VFX it's in the levels like it's in the animation sequences and stuff like that so, we're pretty like like tied to everything so it's better if we have like a separate sort of sound engine that we can do experimen in and then when we're ready to do the changes and it works it sounds good then we could push it to the engine kind of it's really nice too because then the like weight of Epic is lifted sort of so they don't have to like keep updating the sound engine it's like better when like a separate company that specializes on like sound engine stuff yeah yeah I mean yeah there's pros and CRS to all that stuff of course but like, epic like there is set audio tools inside of unreal but like why is this so standard and like all the conferences all the all the videos and all the community uses that software so much that it's like so much easier to find what you're looking for in terms of yeah yeah if you if you're looking for tips and stuff and it like why is this the stuff that s fatory uses B just stuff that like God of War R and Rock uses as well so it's like it's literally everywhere from Super indd to AAA but there's also F mod which is quite popular and there's a ton more of there's ton of other ones and maybe in the future there'll be another company that will take over and do a new one like yeah so more concretely or more specifically like what was your first month like here what did you do like in actual game yeah so I spent a lot of time, in Wise so it's like, so which is the audio engine again so because the game like content complete was pretty much like pretty much like yeah content complete what's pretty much like about to happen so this is a time where basically you don't put new stuff in yeah, because so every everything had already been been done in terms of like the sound design and the actual assets and it was time to do a lot of like the optimization and the mixing so like balancing everything everything that's new with everything that's old and stuff like this or like remastering or revamping things for optimizing the game and so all of that happens in why so it was lot of, yeah I'm not sure how Tech pretty you can go bananas because cuz if there anything anyone who's interested cuz- I always want to Champion sound design a little bit because I always feel like it's a bit sort of Forgotten and- I really feel that like you know sort of 80% of what you see is what you hear so I always feel like sound design always gets sort of overshadowed by like everything else that's made in games but like sound design is really really really important because otherwise that's like how everything comes to life I feel like every single time we've made a trailer or a video of any type and you know it like oh it's it's coming together and then like we get like the sound design pass and then suddenly it's just like oh now it's a trailer like now it comes to life, I think you told me like just, like anyone in chat just try watching like your favorite trailer series play your favorite game without sounds and it's just so much more Hollow so it almost makes everything look better like the VFS better just they have a sound attached to them yeah, it's kind of crazy but yeah so like yeah the the bulk of the work was like optimizing a lot of things but so I meant that for example, so let's say like you have a a Constructor for example and it has tons of different parts right that we randomize the the variation of sound so that it doesn't get too repetitive and it's just just the same sound plane all the time well sometimes for optimization purposes we need to reduce the number of sounds we're playing at the same time on a specific like machine for example but if you do if you go if you down size too much then you you you get like less, you you get run into problems where this the variation doesn't work as much so it's always a balance between oh making tons of like granularity of like the sounds and like how optimized it is basically cuz you want it to be not too granular cuz that's like that's just a monster of a project but you want it to be like just the right size so that you can optimize the part that you want mhm and optimizing is like you can compress audio of course and stuff like that but you can also like put it to stream so like you can choose what you load on the RAM on the memory or you can Cho what you stream from the disc and that's a big part of it like all of the music for example it's stream because it's like a long stereo we file that just plays if we put it on the ram of people then it's bit taking a WRA for nothing like it doesn't need to be in sync or anything all super strongly and sy so yeah stuff like that does satisfactory differ from like stuff you've done in the past in terms of just sound design optimization implementation, yeah yeah so like the so what's what's special about satisfactory is like, it's like it's a it's a game where you get users that generate their own content right so I make like there's a Constructor it has cool sounds cool now someone has put like 50 of them on top of each other like [ __ ] so it's a lot about like trying to imagine and come up with all the scenarios and trying to make the mix and all the all the elements of everything be balanced no matter the save or the factory of people because you I don't know what shape I don't know what computer what headphones people are using I don't know what their Factory looks like so I need to be able to account so that there's no problem no matter which if the if the there's a scalability like that's the main that's the main like U challenge with it is a scalability it needs to sound good if it's a small Factory but it needs to sounds good if it's a huge Factory as well and if you got all those sounds plan or well some those thousands of Constructors then like you you would like die of over, so yeah so there's other games like this that have user generated content and stuff and they face sort of, similar challenges but everybody solves it in different ways because every game is unique, and yeah so I would say that's the biggest part of it is like users can do what whatever the [ __ ] they want can I swear on this stream sorry already I think I think already yeah would you say that's the biggest challenge the scalability of the game or or have you had like something else just like the hardest thing yeah sometimes you get stuck on things like sometimes like the the the the the hardest sound is not the one you imagined it's like you can Oh I thought we disabled the elevator yeah sometimes like the the hardest sound can be something that like like a footstep or something or like or like oh the water can be deeper now so there's going to be like a deep water footstep and then just like it might sound like it might sound like insane but like it's really important you did the of How deep the water is for example and you can get stuck on that on those stores a long time or like doors for example stuff like this that can be the stuff that like almost breaks you or something whereas like the fun stuff like the you know the the cool PE like the the big the big zappy sounds the big machines and stuff, they they can you know sometimes they're not as difficult as they are sometimes they are it's just you never know what's going to be a challenge or not when you start but that's with anything creative right nice yeah yeah all right how we on time we are on the dot right now nice nice so, thanks s for joining us and and it's great to finally have someone to talk about what a firm handshake that was come oh my goodness censor this, yeah thanks for joining us, and can't wait for, to check out like all the sound that's in the game I also want to mention real quickly one thing that you mentioned to me when I made the, the teaser video for, the quantum Tech stuff, I remember you asked me like how did you this like how cuz usually when I do these teasers someone like puts audio like custom for it but this time I just like recorded straight from the game and you were like whoa really yeah it's like also it's a different camera perspective and everything so it's it was, it was kind of surprising that the MS works at a completely different camera perspective as well cuz I did move the camera when I captured a little bit but like it is pretty much like from the game all of it the only addition I did was conveyor Bel sounds when I wanted it to be like more and focus but yeah other than that it's that's how good it is yeah I mean it's it's on the work of it's there's like five people standing on the shoulder of giants yeah exactly I do want to mention though that, there's a lot of new stuff in 1.0 the MS has been like revamped and REM some assets have been remastered and stuff but there's also in the menus, you can actually every single slider that you see in the options menu work so if your Constructors are too loud in your specific Factory you can turn them down there's a Mona mode as well, oh we also have to mention real funny actually so we have a button now in game that says like streamer safe mode or whatever, that button does nothing okay the only reason why that that button is there just in case people are like oh can I stream this game I'm not sure so we just added that option just to like make it clear that like oh there's an option for that maybe that should be on by default actually yeah so that people are not worried about it yeah I guess it's more yet to treat people yeah yeah but that's that's the main thing right we don't want people to mute the music in the game because you can totally play the music on stream and all that stuff so so like don't worry about that stuff so so that's but that's why we added that button yeah even the boom bot stuff is fine yeah yeah just just go out stream the game to your heart Del light yeah yeah cool beans all right thanks for coming whoop and then you make a s yeah classic count how many times that happen today's stream all right and shame on you cuz you didn't sit where I told you to sit cuz you were off AIS on the mic no way wait really was it supposed to be like but to but was it yeah yeah you're supposed to both it in the because the mic is like right there well I spoke to Wed anyway okay learn dude it's super directional so like to but it's fine we we know Chad you don't need to it's it's cool it's cool I'm glad that you guys poting it out though because otherwise we wouldn't know to fix it yeah, all right lenus